Haunted House

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So, my family and I went to a haunted house right. So anyway, we walked through and there was a guy hiding. He jumped out and yelled at us to run. We tried to you know cause the guy was fucking screaming his head off and getting pissy cause we wouldn't move. It was dark and we didn't know how to go. He kept screaming, "GO GET OUT OF HERE" and whatever and my uncles and aunt said, "Where's the door" and the "monster" kept yelling it. At that point I was done and it barely even started. I was just like, "WE DON'T KNOW WHERE THE DAMN DOOR IS" and then it was quiet for a bit. Then the "monster" was like, "Over here" in a normal nice tone. How does it fell hm? A 14 year old lost her shit and screamed at you. Then the people were like, "I'm gonna eat you for dinner!" I'm here walking like, "Ok, eat me then. I don't care" it wasn't even scary and they kept yelling at us to go its like bitch, where do we go? It's funny though. Haunted houses usually scared the crap out of me but now I'm like, "Alright. Okay. Hey" when they're trying to scare me and all since I'm 'young' its just funny. Then the people in front were going soooooo slow and screaming and here I'm like...go.

Don't get me started on the clown who told us to go but was standing in front of us....the people were like, "You're in front of us. How do we go?" then the clown said, "I don't care go!" then my uncle said, "please?" me I'm losing my patience and was like, "MOVE"  then we started to go. Fun right?

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