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That picture is being put on there on purpose cause I find it really funny. Let's find IT and spray IT with a hose IzKatiebug

I was sitting with Brooke and we were just talking about the usual. People thought it was weird I was a Soc and she was a Greaser but I didn't care.

"Earth to Madi!" Brooke yelled in my face but I wasn't really paying attention.

"Madison!" she yelled and I nodded slowly still not looking away from what I was staring at.

"What the hell are you looking at?!" she groaned and turned to see what I was looking at. She had this smile on her face then it turned into a laugh.

"Aw does someone have a crush on Sodapop Curtis?" she said shaking her head.

"Stop it," I said blushing lightly.

She had this smirk on her face and when she did that it never meant anything good. She walked over to him and I mentally groaned. She sat next to him with a smile.

"Hey Soda!" she said happily.

"Hey, Brooke. I thought you said you were hanging with a friend? Did you lie to Darry? You know he doesn't like that" he said to her. Yeah, you heard that. Brooke is Soda's sister.

"I am with a friend. I'm with Madi" she said pointing to me.

I had a faint blush and Brooke had this smirk. Soda looked at me and waved with a smile. To be honest that made me smile. I looked at the other girl who was sitting next to him. She had blonde hair and blue eyes like me but she was a major hoe. Why she was with him I didn't know.

Brooke messed up Soda's hair laughing and walked back over to me. She sat down sipping her chocolate shake.

"You know those two aren't gonna last long," she said with a shrug.

"I don't know Brooke. He loves her and she loves him. There isn't anything you can do about it" I shrugged.

"I give it a month," she said with a chuckle and I shrugged again.

"You know...I want to spray her with a that bad?" she asked and I shrugged. I was still staring...damn it.

"You got to stop staring Madi!" Brooke said throwing a fry at me.

"I'll stop staring at Soda when you stop staring at Dallas!" I snapped and she chuckled putting her arms up in defense.

"Shhh" she smirked and I rolled my eyes.

"Idiot" I mumbled.

We spent the rest of the day there talking but really I was still looking at Soda.

It's been months since Soda got together with ugh...Sandy. She played him every single day and honestly pissed me off. Brooke saw it too. We were at her place or also know as The Curtis's house when Soda ran in upset. I looked over at Brooke who was lying with Dallas and she shrugged. She was about to move when I stopped her.

"Let me talk to him," I said quietly and she nodded lying back down.

I walked over to Soda and Pony's room and walked in. The only one with a lock was Brooke's room. That was for obvious reasons. I walked over and sat next to him.

"What happened?" I asked him quietly and he shook his head.

"Sandy's pregnant and I asked her to marry me," he said sadly and I was so confused but it hurt me.

"That's great right?" I asked with a fake smile and he shook his head.

"She's pregnant with another guys kid and is moving to Flordia," he said shaking his head. I felt in anger grow inside me.

"I loved her," he said and I blew.

"SHE DIDN'T LOVE YOU SODA! DON'T YOU GET IT?!" I screamed and he looked at me shocked.

"You don't understand Soda! You think she's all you need! She isn't even a she! In my opinion, she's an IT! IT doesn't even deserve love let alone to be with you! You deserve better than IT! Better than IT could give you! Don't you see there are other people in this God damn town who would love to be with you?! I mean come on Soda! Get over IT! IT didn't deserve you and your ring! Do you know what I really want to do to IT?! Do you?! No, I don't think you do because quite frankly y-" I rambled when he pushed me down onto the bed kissing me. He placed his hands on my hips pinning me down. My arms went around his neck and pulled him closer. It was wrong but I wanted this for so long.

We kept kissing and kissing when I pushed him off.

"Soda, you don't love me like that. I'm not gonna be the person who's just gonna get with you because you love IT and can't get over IT" I said softly and he hugged me.

"You made me realize I didn't need her. Sorry, IT. I need you and only you. You have always been right in front of me. The perfect girl, the perfect princess, the perfect everything. I mean it Madi. I love you. Will you be my girl?" he asked and my eyes lit up.

"Yes!" I yelled happily and kissed him again.

We kept kissing when we heard a squeal and a chuckle.

"Brooke!" I yelled. "Dallas!" Soda yelled at the same time and we laughed afterward. They left and I smiled.

"What did you want to do?" he asked smiling.

"I wanted to spay IT with a hose. The one with the high pressure. Brooke wanted to too" I smiled and he laughed placing a kiss on my lips.

We ended up lying there in his bed cuddling. God how much I loved him.

IzKatiebug I hope you liked it and if you want any changes just tell me. Stay Gold!

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