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Right now I hated everything. And by everything I mean EVERYTHING. My stomach hurt, my side hurt, my head hurt, every single fucking thing possible hurt. Right now I was lying on Dally's bed. I wanted to go home. Somewhere. Anywhere but here. The music was too loud, the people were too loud, everything was too loud. I was so close to walking down there and yell at every single person to get out. And not the 'single' people. Even the couples. Hehe, joke, get it? No, alright. Anyway, I was laying there. A miserable miserable mess when he came in...my fucking boyfriend.

"LAILA! YOU SHOULD COME DOWN! THE PARTY IS FUCKING AWESOME!" he shouted. How I wanted to fucking sock him in his perfect face.


"Why not baby girl, you love parties," he said raising a brow.

"I said no Dallas. And no means no so go away and leave me be"

"Fine then doll we don't have to party...how about we have a little fun and rolling around if you know what I mean," he said with a wink. Ughhhhh! Does he not know when to quit?!

"NO!" I snapped very harshly might I add. A little too harshly.

"Why?" he asked confused. I had enough.

"WHAT DON'T YOU FUCKING GET?! THE NO OR THE NO PART?!" I snapped sitting up. My stomach just died...great.

"Why the fuck are you getting mad for?" he asked angrily.

"Because all you want to do is fuck! Just fuck and fuck and fuck! Maybe I don't want to hmm?!"

"You're such a fucking idiot! I don't just want to fuck"

"Seems like it Dallas! I think you're just using me for sex!"

"NO!" he boomed. I backed down a little but then started again. There was no way he didn't want me for more than just sex.

"I thought you would love me! I thought our relationship would be different! I thought you would be different but no! You just want me for sex! Are you just going to kick me out later once I'm your filthy scraps and added to your list?! Huh?! Well, Dallas I'm not your fucking fuck toy!"

"You never were! You never will be either!" he snapped.

"Yeah yeah sure! I'm just another girl added to your list!"


"You know what Laila, we're done"

With that, he walked out. Oh, shit...what have I done. I sat there crying. God these fucking stupid hormones and shit! I hate them! I sat there bawling when I knew I should leave. I mean...I had to...we weren't together anymore.

I got up walking down the steps when I saw Dallas kissing another girl. That hurt. I stepped out and didn't see the car coming. I felt someone pull me back and place a kiss on my lips. I pulled away slapping them. It was Dallas.

"Baby girl, I'm so so so sorry! Please just we don't have to party just please don't leave me. I didn't mean it. I-I"

I put a hand up walking inside and to his room. The noise still killed me.

Once I got there I sat down and saw the real and pure sadness in his eyes. What the actual fuck.

"Laila, I'm sorry. I didn't mean what I said. I mean, I meant I didn't mean the part or us splitting. I did mean the fact that I like you for more than a toy. You-you're different and I-"

"I'm on my period Dallas...I didn't mean to snap in the first place" I said blankly.

He walked over and pulled me close where we laid there onto his bed.

"I'm sorry baby girl. I wish I could take whatever you're feeling away"

"I can't help you really but I'll tell you this, you're my world, my everything. You're you and that's what helps me in the morning. I know we just recently got together a few weeks ago but something about you man...it's just...different. I mean a good different but-"

"Shh and just hold me Dally" I whispered and he did just that.

Slowly I felt myself drifting off into the darkness but before I did I heart a mumble of words I don't think I ever could hear. Especially from him.

"I think I love you Laila Woods"


Ahhhh I hope you like it LailaIzQueen !

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