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I was walking over to my boyfriend's place when I saw something I never thought I'd see. I saw my boyfriend of three years cheating on me with another guy...wow...

"What the fuck?!" I yelled and he looked over.

"Y/N it isn't what it looks like," he said and I just walked out.

I started roaming the streets until I mindlessly wandered to Bucks. I walked in and it was quiet for once. I saw Buck cleaning the cups and Dallas was playing pool. I walked over to him and he smirked.

"Hey Y/N what brings you here?" he asked and I shrugged.

"My boyfriend cheated on me..." I said and he nodded.

"That sucks. Sorry to hear"

"Dallas you don't understand...he cheated on me....with another guy," I said quietly and he started laughing.

"What's so funny dumbass" I snapped and he smirked.

"Cause imbecile, he let a pretty girl like you go for a guy. I find that funny"

"Oh my God did Dallas TUCKER Winston use a big word?!" I said emphasizing his middle name.

"Yes I did Y/f/n Y/m/n Y/l/n" he said emphasizing my middle name.

"Wanna play?" I asked setting up the table.

"Sure but let's make a little deal," he said with a dangerous smirk.

"What's the deal?" I asked getting close to him.

"If you win I'll buy you a drink but if I win you have to spend the night in my room doing whatever I want" he smirked.


After a while, it was Dallas's turn. He hit the ball and we watched it roll and it just missed the hole.

"Damn it" he mumbled and I walked over pushing it in.

"Well Y/N that's cheating" he smirked and I shugged kissing him.

He carried me to his room where we had a bit of fun. After a while, there was a knock and no one felt like getting up so he yelled through the door.

"Please don't yell so loud and Dallas you're gonna break her one of these days. Take it easy" he said walking away and I chuckled.

I kissed him and rested my head on his chest.

"Y/N will you be my girl?" he asked and I looked at him smiling.


God this sucked. Hope you liked it though. Stay Gold!

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