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Reason~Because you saved him.
When he said it~He's been constantly getting into trouble and when you came into his life he sorta changed. He stopped getting into trouble so much for you. One day you were on the Curtis's couch and as you lied on his chest he played with your hair and called you that.

"You don't know how much you mean to me Angel"
(Aw my God if someone called me this I'd die)


Reason~Because you small and cute like a kitten.
When he said it~You both were at the lot when he held you close and closed his eyes and kissed your head.

"Night kitten"


Reason~It was just a random name that stuck. You just found it hot when he said it so he always called you that.
When he said it~Once you were just sitting at the DX and you were messing with the tools and he chuckled lightly telling you not to touch anything. The name just stuck.

"Don't touch that sweetheart"


Baby girl
Reason~Because you're shorter then him.
When he said it~It was when you were cuddling on the green recliner when it slipped. He thought you were asleep so he kissed your cheek and whispered into your ear.

"I love you baby girl"


Reason~Because you're sweet.
When he said it~You were cuddling with Pony while he was reading and you walked over to the kitchen grabbing him some chocolate cake.

"Aw thanks sugar"


Reason~Because you're his princess and shall be treated like one.
When he said it~You were hanging out with Soda at the DX when a Soc came in bothering you. Soda beat him up for you and the Soc ran away scared. He turned to you and sat you on the DX counter and you two were making out.

"You're mine princess"


Reason~Do I even have to explain.
When he said it~You were watching Mickey when Two looked at you and smiled.

"Minnie, can you get me a beer?"
(Get your own damn beer Two-Shit)

The Outsiders: Imagines, Preferences, and Lyric Pranks [Competed]Where stories live. Discover now