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FOR CandyflossCuddles I hope you like it!

Dry lightning cracks across the skies
Those storm clouds gather in her eyes

I couldn't do it anymore. I was sick of it. Tired of it. I wanted it all to end...why couldn't I be happy like them? Why was my family a mess?

Daddy was mean a old mister
Mama was an angel in the ground
The weather man called for a twister
She prayed blow it down

They were fighting once again...I couldn't do this right now so I did the best thing I could think of...go to Winter's house.

There's not enough rain in Oklahoma
To wash the sins out of that house

I walked to her house as tears streamed down my face. I couldn't take it anymore. I couldn't. I couldn't and I wouldn't.

There's not enough wind in Oklahoma
To rip the nails out of the past

I sobbed as I walked into their house. All Winter's brothers and friends yelled at me. Telling me to stop.

"KAYLYN! WAIT!" they yelled but I ignored them. Ignored them and stormed into Winter's room seeing her making out with her boyfriend.

I slammed the door and fell to the ground sobbing making them pull apart. Why me. Why me. Why me.

Shatter every window till it's all blown away,
Every brick, every board, every slamming door blown away

"Kaykay?" Winter spoke getting off her bed and sat in front of me holding my hands in hers.

I didn't answer.

"Kaykay..." she spoke again with a more serious tone.

Again I didn't respond.

"KAYLYN?!" she yelled making me break.

"WHAT!" I yelled as everything blew away from me. It's like my whole life was glass and it shattered spraying everywhere.

Till there's nothing left standing,
Nothing left of yesterday

"Kaylyn, calm down and tell me what's wrong"

Calm down. Haha. She said for me to "calm down"

Every tear-soaked whiskey memory blown away, blown away

"Ka-" before she could finish I got up without a word and walked out and over to Bucks.

That's where I sat and downed every drink in my path.

She heard those sirens screaming out
Her daddy laid there passed out on the couch

I sighed remembering all the memories. All the bad ones. Where my dad would get arrested and released the next day only to go back...

"Kaykay?" someone spoke and I looked up seeing Soda. What now.

She locked herself in the cellar
Listened to the screaming of the wind

"What" I snapped and he only shook his head.

"Don't hide it. I know what's wrong. I know about your family and I know about your mom. Don't lie and don't hide" he spoke shocking me. How?

Some people called it taking shelter
She called it sweet revenge

"H-how" I choked out and he sighed holding my hand lightly. Oh no.

Shatter every window till it's all blown away,
Every brick, every board, every slamming door blown away

"I went to your house one day and your dad answered drunk out of his mind. Then I saw you passing with bruises and cuts. I only didn't say anything because I didn't want your dad hurting you any more than he already was..." he spoke softly.

Till there's nothing left standing,
Nothing left of yesterday

"Why? Why do you care" I said with venom in my voice?

Every tear-soaked whiskey memory blown away, blown away

"Because I love you"


There's not enough rain in Oklahoma
To wash the sins out of that house

"No you don' you could never help me..."

There's not enough wind in Oklahoma
To rip the nails out of the past

"Watch me and yes, yes I do Kaykay. I love you more than anything and if I have to ill prove it to you"

Shatter every window till it's all blown away,
Every brick, every board, every slamming door blown away

"No you don't..." I whispered and he nodded and pulled me close to him pushing his lips onto mine. Shock took over me but I melted into the kiss.

Till there's nothing left standing,
Nothing left of yesterday

Moments into the kiss I realized I couldn't...he's my best friend's brother...I couldn't. I pulled away and he frowned.

"I promise darling, I'll be there for you till the end because in fact, you're staying with me. No buts"


"No buts!" he exclaimed making a face and that caused me to laugh. Maybe I loved him and maybe he did too.

Every tear-soaked whiskey memory blown away,
Blown away, blown away, blown away, blown away

He smiled back picking me up and carried me out and to his house and to his room where he held me close. From there we did get close and we did start dating. We even got married along our lives and to think, I was gonna run away but I'm glad I didn't because all of my unhappiness and sorrow and pain all blew away.

The Outsiders: Imagines, Preferences, and Lyric Pranks [Competed]Where stories live. Discover now