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For: 04olivia04

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For: 04olivia04

The gang and I were walking around when some greaser comes up to me. He looked a little scared.

"Hey uh Olivia can I ask you something?" he asks and I nodded pulling him aside.

"Will you ya know go on a date with me?" he asked and immediately we were interrupted.

"She would never go out with a pipsqueak like you!" Dallas laughed and I rolled my eyes.


"Look guys! He's shaking!" Dallas said again poking Johnny.

I growled and kissed the guy. Dally instantly shut his trap. Thank God.

"I was trying to say that I-"

"Did you see his face! He didn't even kiss back! Was that your first kiss?!" he yelled and Steve laughed.

He looked upset a little and I pulled him away further.

"I was trying to say that I'd love to"



"Great, does tomorrow work for you?"

"Yeah what time?"


"Alright then. It's a date" I smiled and he walked away and I turned to the gang.

Dallas looked angry and the rest had a puzzled look on their faces. What do you do? Dallas was my best friend so I knew why he was angry. Oh well.

The next day I woke up and I was 5 pm. Crap. I got up quickly and took a shower. I changed into a red tight dress and walked to The Curtis's. When I walked in I saw Dally sitting on the couch with a pissed off look.

Once he saw me he looked even angrier. I didn't know why.

"Liv, you look amazing" Soda commented and I smiled.

"Thank you" I smiled and he nodded.

Soon there was a knock and I opened the door to see the guy from yesterday. I forgot to ask for his name.

"Bye guys!" I yelled and we walked out and drove to the Dingo.

When we got there we ate and then he pulled me into the alley where we started making out.

"I never caught your name" I chuckled and he smirked.

"Never threw it"

"Idiot" I laughed and he started kissing down my neck.

"It's Archie," he said and I smirked.

"Nice," I said and a moan escaped from my mouth.


Someone took a picture of us.

"Oh my God! She really is a whore!" someone yelled and Archie laughed.

"Thanks, whore. Now everyone is gonna know who you really are" he smirked and I had a confused look on my face.

"Oh, so you're a whore and an idiot!" Archie laughed.

"Listen here, my friends and I made this bet to see if you would hook up with me and well ding ding ding you did. You were also about to fuck me. We thought right you know" he laughed and they walked away.

I really did feel like a whore. Quickly I ran to the park where I collapsed and cried. All of the sudden it started to rain. Great.

I kept crying when someone sat next to me and rubbed my back gently.

"You okay Liv?" a familiar New York accent asked.

"Yeah Dallas" I lied.

"Don't lie now doll. I know you're sad"

"That guy who asked me out used me. Called me a whore. Now he has a picture of me and him trying to ya know screw each other and now he's gonna tell everyone I'm a whore..." I said and he kissed the top of my head.

"You aren't a whore"

"Yes I am"

"No, you aren't. You know why?"


"Because I love you for who you are now come on doll, come stay at my place. It's raining" he said helping me up and we walked back to Bucks.

Once we got there we went up to his room and I realized I was soaked.

"Uh, can I change into something?"

He nodded and threw a shirt at me.

"Can I uh ch-"

"Yeah," he said and walked out.

After I changed I opened the door and he walked inside. He looked me up and down and slammed me into the wall. He started kissing me and I moaned.

"Dallas, I uh I don't think that we should"

"Do you not want to?"

"I...I don't wanna be a whore"

"I love you" he blurted and I smirked.

"Do you?"

"Yeah, if I'm gonna be honest that's why I've been...bitchy the past two days. You're mine and only mine"

"Are you trying to say something Dallas?" I asked playing with the hem of my shirt.

"First off will you be my girl and second take that fucking shirt off," he said and I laughed taking it off.

Let's just say we had a little bit of fun. That's an understatement...a lot of fun.

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