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I was sitting at The Curtis's house when I saw Johnny walk in all bruised and bloody. It looked like he got jumped. I ran over to him and started tracing the cut on his face.

"Johnnycakes you okay?" I asked.


"Don't lie" I warned.

"I'm fine Yanelie," he said annoyed.

"Johnny you aren't fine. You're hurt" I said holding his hand and he pulled it away.

"I'm fine alright! I don't need you to treat me like a kid!" he yelled and it scared me. It really scared me but I pushed it.

"Johnny please"

"Get away from me!" he yelled pushing me over. I landed on the ground and hit the table. I felt my head as a felt blood. He saw it and looked in shock.

"Yanel-" he started but I ran out before he could finish.

I ran out and ran to the house I shared with Dallas my older brother. When I got there I saw him asleep on the couch. I took the remote and shut the tv off and went to bed.

Once I saw the blood from her head I felt bad. I didn't mean to hurt her I didn't mean it. I saw the gang look at me in shock. They looked at me like I was some sort of monster. I guess I was...

I ran out after her and went to her house to see Dallas up and sitting on the couch.

"Dal..." I trailed off and he looked at me.

"Damn it some Socs got to you didn't they?" he asked worriedly and I nodded.

"But this is smaller than what I just did..." I said with sadness.

"What happened Johnnycakes?"

"I hurt her Dal..."


"Yanelie...I pushed her and now her heads bleeding...I didn't mean it Dally but I get it if you want me to leave or if you want to hit me or something" I said looking down in shame.

"I'm not gonna hit you. Go talk to her" he said pointing upstairs and I stood there shocked.


"Yes now go," he said and I smiled running upstairs.

I knocked on her door and waited for an answer.

I was sitting in my room crying when I heard a knock. I opened the door and saw Johnny. Instantly I slammed it.

"Go away" I sobbed.

"Please let me in" he said sadly and I shook my head.

"NO! GO AWAY!" I snapped and he sighed.

She didn't want to see me. I didn't blame her either but I wanted her back. I needed to tell her I am sorry and that I love her. I sank against the door and sighed.

"We were so beautiful. We were so tragic. No other magic could ever compare. Lost myself, sixteen. Then you came, found me. No other magic could ever compare..." I started singing and then there was a pause. No noise nothing. It was silent. Out of nowhere the door opened and I fell backward.

"Crap" I muttered.

She giggled and I looked up at her and smiled.

"I'm sorry" I said and she turned around. I got up and walked over to her and sat on the bed holding her hands.

"Yanelie look at me...I'm sorry" I said and she shook her head.

I raised my hand and ran it through her brown hair as I stared into her brown eyes and freckled face. I felt something warm on my hand and I saw blood. I hugged her and looked at the sot of blood on her head and kissed it.

"I'm sorry I'm so so so sorry I didn't mean too. That was mean of me to do and say that you were only trying to help me and I-I made a mistake please forgive me Yanelie I-" I rambled but she kissed me.

"I forgive you"

I hope you enjoyed this chapter johnnylipa and if you want anything changed just tell me! Stay Gold!

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