Small Rant

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So, my middle name is Hlub right. It's Hmong and means Love. Anyway, besides the point...

The teacher was doing attendance and since my middle name is on the sheet the bitch sub decided to go for it. She was like Caitlyn Hlub Vang except she pronounced it wrong...I'm like no. No no no no no. White fucking bitch no. First off, if you wanna be a smart old hag and think your bilingual no. No stop don't. You can't say it. Deal with it but whatever. People are dumb cause actually out of all the shit I hate about myself my middle name I lOVE and take happiness or whatever in so no. Don't try freaking screwing it up cause it pisses me of. Then I hate the fact people are like, "what type of asian are you?" "do you speak asian?" "are you mandrian, Chinese, or Vietnamese?"

Uh well, first off in Hmong.
Second asian isnt a fucking language

that's all.

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