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For JohnnyTheOutsiders

I was walling to the lot bored and sad. My parents again hit me. Why did they do that? We were once so so just had to keep gambling. Mom just had to gamble too. Why did they lose all their money in one night? Why did they always get drunk? Last of all why me? I'm their son...why did they hurt me?

I walked into the lot with blood dripping from my arm. A bruise on my face and a small cut on my jaw. I'm pretty sure my ribs were cracked because they hurt. A lot. As I entered the lot tears fell. Damn it...I promised myself I wouldn't cry! Why couldn't I be tough like Dally?! What did I ever do wrong?!

I collapsed into the ground crying. I was going to do it. I was going to kill myself. No one would miss me anyway. I was a burden to the gang, to my parents, to the socs, to everyone. Maybe it was best to go...

I pulled out my blade and put it to my wrist. Before I could make a cut I heard a small whimper. Was it a dog?

I got up and followed the whimper. The whimper turned to shallow breathing to sobs. Then I realized it wasn't a dog but a person. I carefully approached them. They had longish black hair. When the moonlight hit them it gave off a natural shine. I stepped closer and saw it was a girl. I could tell by her soft muttering.

"I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry mom and dad. I didn't mean to disappoint you. I love you. In sorry" she whispered and I stepped closer.

Instantly she stood up turning quickly. A blade in her hand. Then only then I saw her. She was beautiful. She had that black hair of hers that gave off that natural shine which was beautiful. Her bluish-grey eyes were big in shock and shone in the light. She was the definition of beauty. She also wasn't that tall either. 5 foot maybe but that only added to her beautiful features.

"Hi, I'm Johnny," I said calmly for once. It was odd. For once I felt...okay.

"H-hi...I-I'm Moonlight..." she spoke quietly. It was quiet but sweet.

I stepped closer and she raised her blade stepping back.

"I'm not gonna hurt you Moonlight" I spoke softly and pulled out my blade. I saw her tense but carefully I sat it down on the pavement stepping closer. She finally lowered hers.

I walked closer to her and I saw the tears falling from her eyes. I slowly raised my hand up wiping them. I saw her flinch. I saw the fear.

I looked down a bit and moved her hair from her face and lifted her chin to face me. God, she was beautiful.

"What's wrong?" I asked stroking her cheek. She only looked down...afraid.

"I'm not gonna hurt you," I said again and took off my jacket placing it on her shoulders.

"Sit," I said sitting onto the ground carefully. There she sat with.

"M-my parents started kicking me a-around. Said I w-was useless. A m-mistake" she choked out and another tear fell. Quickly I wiped it.

"Moonlight, it's going to be okay. See? I'm here. Alright? And I'm never going to hurt you" I said and she smiled shyly.

"I know how it have your parents not love you anymore. My dad just beat me a while ago. Threw a beer bottle at me. That's why I have this gash in my arm. The bruises are from him hitting me with his fist and the cut is from the knife he used to threaten me"

She cried and buried her face in my chest. I winced a little and she pulled away. Quickly I pulled her back.

"You are never. Ever going back there. Ever. You hear me Moonlight"

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