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For khavey12

I was really frustrated. Like, really really frustrated. Why? It was because I had a bad feeling and whenever I had those feelings they were right or you know...would come true soon or someday. I really question myself sometimes.

"Hey Kaitlyn, how are you?" Soda spoke plopping down next to me onto the couch in his home.

"Eh, I could be better" I mumbled and his face drooped.

"What's wrong?"

I sighed. "You know how I like Dally and all" I spoke softly and he nodded. I couldn't help but notice the sad look on his face.

"So, I have this feeling something bad is going to happen. Something...really bad and I just want to know he's alright"

He sighed. "He's Dally doll, I'm sure he's fine" he spoke and hugged me. I smiled and kissed his cheek. Soda and I were always close and I'm glad because he's honestly my best friend.

"Soda, can I talk to you" a voice spoke and I looked up seeing Steve. Soda nodded and got up walking away.

Soon enough Soda and Steve were talking and I heard some yelling. They never fought which was weird but I knew not to ask or to go over there because I'd probably make it worse...

The door opened and in came the gang. All except Dally. Oh no. Please don't let me be right...

"Have you all seen Dally?" I asked and all of them shook their heads. Oh my God. Please no.

Then and only then did we get that phone call to ruin all of our lives.

"No it's Steve, Dally?" Steve spoke picking up the call. I had no idea what was going on.

"Darry, it's for you" he spoke giving the phone to him. Worry rushed through me.

"Damn it Dallas" he muttered and hung up.

"Dally's in trouble, we gotta hide him" he said quickly and all of us ran out as fast as you could even say the word run. Maybe even faster.

Soon enough we were at the lot and I saw it. Dallas Winston pulled out a gun. An unloaded gun. No. Stop.

"IT'S NOT LOADED!" I screamed but it was too late. Bullets pierced the infamous Dallas Winston's skin. He rolled down that damn hill blood spilling from him as he handed right in front of me. Smiling.

"I love you Kaitlyn" he spoke then he was gone. Just. Like. That.

//A week later//

A week has passed and I haven't left the spare room of the Curtis's house. The door opened to reveal Winter. She's also a Curtis. She's Soda's twin.

"Hey, you know, we all miss him but you can't do this to him. I know you loved Dallas and he loved you too but you gotta come out. Please"

"I-I can't" I said quietly and she sighed walking out of the room leaving me to cry.

Moments later the door opened and Soda ran over and hugged me tightly.

"I love you Kaitlyn please don't do this to me. I can't help but feel guilty! I'm sad he's gone and all but a part of me is happy because I can be here to support you and tell you I love you. I'm sorry and I know you don't love me back but you will get through this. I promise. We all will" he spoke quickly and I nodded not able to figure out what to say next.

"Kaitlyn, please say something"

"I'll try Soda. I will okay" I grinned and he nodded with a grin back.

A month later and I couldn't tell you what happened in that month but now I'm happy. Happy with Soda. He really came through with me and comforted me and has been really patient with me. I don't know how he did it but now we're dating. I know crazy. He really did mean it that day and I meant it a month ago when I told him I loved him back. Now I can't help but be thankful for Dallas. I miss him like crazy but if he didn't die I don't think I'd be able to realize how much I love Sodapop Curtis. So much. He will always be my first love but without him I wouldn't be who I am today. I love you Dallas Tucker Winston and I love you Sodapop Patrick Curtis.

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