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For: st3ph9nieCynthia  I woke up and groaned softly

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For: st3ph9nie
I woke up and groaned softly. My brother Valerio was jumping onto my bed causing me to bounce off.

"Idiot" I mumbled and got up getting changed in my closet.

"Hey! This idiot wants you to meet some people" he said and I rolled my eyes.


"My friends," he said and I laughed.

"You have friends?!" I joked walking out and he laughed sarcastically.

"Haha," he said and walked out. I followed.

Horseman (I'm tired. Let me have some joy)
I was sitting on my couch reading a book when the door opened to reveal Valerio who walked in with a random girl with dark blonde hair and chestnut eyes. She sure was pretty.

"Hey guys, this is my little sister Cynthia. Cynthia this is the guys. Darrel, Keith, Dallas, Steve, Sodapop, Johnny, and Ponyboy" he said and she nodded.

"Nice names," she said and we all nodded.

Moments later we were all sitting there in awkward silence when Dally said something. (me)

"I'm gonna go to the drive-in. Wanna come Johnny?" he asked and Johnny nodded.

"Wanna come Pony?" he asked and I nodded.

"Wanna come Cynthia?" I asked her and she froze.

"Uh sure," she said and got up and followed us out the door and to the Drive-in.

*time skip cause I'm sooooo damn lazy...sofry*
*Too damn lazy to fix that too*

When we got to the drive-in we sat down and it was boring...very boring until I saw Dallas bothering Cynthia. For some reason that made me angry.

I was sitting there quietly when Dallas started to bother me.

"Hey, this movies boring ain't it? How about we get going hmm?" he said into my ear.

"No" I hissed and he smirked.

"You're cute," he said and tried biting my ear but I pushed him away and slapped him making him chuckle.

"And you're feisty. I like it" he said with a wink and then got closer.

"I bet you your hair isn't this pretty dark blonde hair I see. I bet you that you dyed it huh?"

"No, I didn't dye it" I snapped.

"How can I tell that this hair is the same as your well um...eyebrows" he smirked looking up and down my body.

"Keep your eyes to yourself hood!" I yelled in his face and he smirked leaning close to me.

"Get off her Dallas," someone said and I turned to see it was Pony.

"What did you say you little shit?!" he snapped and I saw the small fear in Pony's eyes.

"I said get off her. Besides, don't you have a girl already" he said confidently and Dallas grumbled standing up.

"You tell her I kill ya you dig?" he said and walked away.

I smiled lightly at Pony and soon the movie ended and we walked home. On our way, I looked down and smiled. Pony gave me these weird feelings but they were nice.

"Thanks for what you did Pony," I said and he smiled.

"No problem"

"Also, who's Dally's girl?" I asked raising a brow.

"My sister," he said and I chuckled.

"Why was he messing with me then?" I asked and he shrugged.

Soon we were at his place and I saw Valerio wasn't there.

"Uh since Valerio was my ride can I stay here for the night?" I asked and they all nodded.

"Of course you can," Pony said and I smiled.

I knew one of these days I would fall in love with him...and I did. The next month he confessed he liked me a lot and I told him I did too, which I did, but now it's been two years and I couldn't be happier. We even plan on getting married. It's honestly amazing. I couldn't be happier and it's all because of my big brother Valerio.

st3ph9nie I hope you enjoyed it and Stay Gold!

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