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For: johnnylipa

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For: johnnylipa

I was sitting there on The Curtis's couch when I saw Johnny stumble in with this big bruise on his face. I always had a crush on him.

"Oh my God, Johnny!" I yelled and ran over to him holding his face up and looked into his eyes.
(OH MY GOD RONNIE! I'm such an idiot...)

I could see the sadness. He was about to cry.

"What happened?! Was it your parents?!" I asked frantically and he just sat down on the couch not saying anything.

"Johnny?" I said quietly and he shook his head.

"Please tell me," I said looking at him with a sad look.

Suddenly the gang came in and when Dallas saw him all hell broke loose.

"WHO THE HELL DID THIS TO YOU JOHNNY!" he yelled and I saw Winter squeeze his hand.

He calmed down a little and took a deep breath.

"Was it your parents?" he asked and Johnny only shook his head.

"A Soc?" he asked and again Johnny shook his head. I knew who it was though. He told me once but only me.

"Winter, can you and the guys leave? I need to talk to Johnny. Alone" I said and she nodded grabbing Dally and the rest of the guys and dragged them out.

I looked at Johnny and shook my head.

"Was it Julia?" I asked and he nodded slowly.

Julia was Johnny's girlfriend. He loves her a lot but she doesn't love him. Every day she would hit him and accuse him of things and Johnny being himself never laid a hand on her. He never could.

"You know you shouldn't be with her. She's only gonna keep doing this" I said holding his hand in a friendly way. Kinda.

"Yanelie, I can't leave her" he spoke quietly.

"Why not huh?" I asked sassily.

"I love her," he said quietly looking down.

"This! Isn't love!" I said pointing to his bruises and faint scars she left.

"Every day she hurts you, Johnny! You need the leave her!"

"I can't!"

"You deserve better Johnny! Someone who loves you as much as you love them!"

"But Yanelie! No one will ever love me!"

"Why's that?"

"Because in disgusting," he said quietly and I shook my head.

"Johnny, Dallas loves you, Winter loves you, the gang loves you, I love you. You don't need her Johnnycakes. Especially if she treats you like this. Like crap. Like nothing"

"No one else would want to be with me Yanelie," he said quietly.

"So. Forget her and break up with her. You deserve better" I said and he nodded.

"Okay...I will"

I nodded happily.


A few days later we went to the Dingo. It was just me, the gang, Winter, and Yanelie. I always liked her but she didn't feel the same. That's why I was with Julia. At first, it was to make her jealous but it never worked. That's why I just stayed with her.

We were sitting talking when Julia came over slapping me. Dallas got up but Yanelie stood up quickly slapping her.

"HOW DO YOU LIKE THAT HUH?!" she snapped at her and I could see the hate in Julia's eyes. I had to stop them.

Quickly I stood between them and held Julia back.

"Julia, we're done," I said and she scoffed hitting me again and stormed away. I saw Yanelie was gonna go after her but I grabbed her hand and dragged her to an empty booth.

"Listen, Yanelie. I know your brothers might not approve of this but if they allow Winter to date Dally I should be fine right? Anyways I wanted you to know that I was only with her because I liked you for a while and I thought she would make you jealous but that's not what happened. I'm sorry but I just wanted to tell you that I like love you and I rather have no one else. Will you be my girl Yanelie?"

Everything happened so fast and Johnny just asked me to be his girl. I froze and I saw the sadness in his eyes when I didn't respond.

"Never mind...I'm an idiot..." he said quietly.

"Yes Johnny"


"I will be your girl," I said smiling wide and so did he. I have never seen him this happy but it was adorable.

He suddenly kissed me. I was startled but kissed back. We kissed for a while and I heard the guys whooping and Winter was trying to shut them up. I smiled a little into the kiss and we broke away.

"I love you Yanelie"

"I love you too Johnny"

I hope you liked it johnnylipa and I hope you don't mind me adding myself in there. If you want I could get rid of Winter but I hope you liked it. Stay Gold!

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