No Tears Left to Cry Part 2

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My God warning this is really long....3,284 words. Hope you like it and there is rape mention so don't kill me it ends up alright spoiler alert. Anyways Stay Gold Kittens!

Lynn was sitting in her room crying. No one was home because Soda and Darry were working while Pony was out with Johnny and Sam. She cried and cried as she looked at herself in the mirror. "What did I do wrong?" she thought to herself. She lifted up her shirt to reveal her stomach and she started crying more. As she was looking at herself she didn't hear the footsteps coming closer and closer until there was a knock at her door startling her. Dallas was on the other side and was very concerned for her.

"Lynn?" he said softly and she was trying to gather herself but wasn't succeeding.

"W-what do you want?!" she seethed slightly stuttering.

"Let me in," he said trying to listen in.

"No, go away" she barked collecting herself.

"If you want me gone fine I'll go. I'm not gonna put up a fight. There's no point because we all know in the end you'll get someone better but whatever. I know you'd never turn down a party so I know somethings wrong. It's probably to break the news that you're leaving me..." he said and walked down the stairs.

She opened her door slowly and watched as Dallas was walking away with his head hung low in shame. She opened her mouth to speak but nothing could come out. It was like someone stole her voice. She pushed down her fears and gulped knowing this was it.

"Dallas" she whispered because that was all she could get out before crying.

He must've not heard her because he didn't turn around. She mustered up her strength and shouted loudly.

"DALLAS!" she screamed and he turned around stunned seeing the tears run down her face rapidly. He rushed over to her and cupped her face and tilted it up facing him.

"What's wrong?" he asked holding her face in one hand as the other was playing with her hair.

"D-don't touch me. Please..." she mumbled and he nodded letting go.

"What's wrong?" he asked again and she looked down in shame.

"I-I" she stuttered.

"Please tell me. I really care for you Lynn. What's wrong?" he asked again grabbing her hand.

She pulled away and ran into her room slamming the door. All Dallas could think was if he did something wrong. He loved her so so much he couldn't leave. He walked up to her door and knocked.

"Can I come in?" he asked quietly and she looked up at the door with sadness and fear.

"Please," he asked again and she got up opening the door only for him to see her face.

Dally looked at her and smiled lightly. God, she was a mess but she was beautiful either way.

"Can I come in?" he asked running his fingers through her hair and she winced.

"I'm sorry," he said putting his hand down even though he wasn't sure what he did wrong.

She let him in and sat on the bed. She looked up into the mirror and got up.

"Where are you going?" he asked confused and she pointed to her bathroom.

"Please don't hurt yourself," he said sadly and that just made her cry. She would never hurt herself. Well, she never thought she would.

She went into her bathroom washing her face. She started applying her makeup and once finished walked out and into her closet making Dallas confused. She hasn't talked and he wanted to know why. She shut the closet door locking it but Dallas being Dallas picked the lock only opening the door a crack. He's seen her naked before but just wanted to make sure she was okay. She saw the door opened a bit and saw Dal looking in. She shut the door in her face and quickly got dressed.

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