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For: boiitslaila24

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For: boiitslaila24

God no. Oh God fuck. I looked down at the three pregnancy tests in my hand and they all said positive. Shit!

I ended up accidentally hitting my head on the cabinet causing me to yell out. Suddenly there was a knock.

"Yeah?" I asked hesitantly.

"You okay?" said a soft voice. Thank God it was only Winter.

"Yeah Win, I'm okay" I lied and then I hid the tests under the sink and walked out.

The Curtis house wasn't full as usual. Odd...

The only ones here was Winter, Soda, Pony, and me. The three of them being here wasn't so unusual I guess since they did live here but where was everyone else?

"Hey Win, where's everyone?" I asked and she shrugged.

"Dallas isn't awake yet, Steve is probably at the DX, Darry is at work, Johnny is probably at the lot, Lannan is doing something, and Two I don't know watching his little sister?" she said with some confusion. It was like she wasn't sure.

"You're saying you don't know where your own boyfriend is?!" I asked with fake shock.

"Hey, Australians are weird," she said and as she said that Lannan walked in. Along with everyone else.

"Hey! That isn't very nice Angel" he said going over to her. They were cute together.

I was basically caught in my own little universe when I felt someone pick me up.

"Oh God you're getting heavy" Dallas joked and I hit his chest.

"Meanie" I pouted and pretended to cry.

"Oh Doll, I didn't mean it. I was only joking!" he said frantically and wiped the "tears" away from my face and I laughed.

"Me too" I smiled and he smiled back shaking his head.

"Do you need a punishment, you bad bad girl?"

"No Dal. Not now" I said sternly and he had this look on his face. A confused look.

"Alright," he shrugged and set me down.

Oh God this was gonna be difficult...

A few weeks later and I knew I had to tell him sooner or later. It was just me and Winter at the house. God, I was scared.

"Laila! You need to tell him!" she scolded and I couldn't take it anymore.

"l know Winter! I'm sorry I can't be as perfect as you!" I yelled and I saw a look of hurt in her eyes.

"Oh God. I'm sorry Win. I didn't mean it"

"It's fine but seriously. You need to tell him"

"I can't tell him, Winter! Dallas is gonna leave me! I can't!"

"Can't what?" someone said and we both turned to see Lannan and Dallas. Shit.

"Well...we better go now," Winter said grabbing Lannan and left. Shit.

"What did you mean you can't?" Dallas asked sitting next to me and I started crying.

"Dallas, please don't be mad!" I begged and he nodded holding my hands.

"I promise. Now, what is it?"

"I-I-I'm pregnant..." I said quietly and he let go of my hands slowly and stood up walking to the door and put his hands over his face.


"I can't fucking believe you Laila" he seethed.


"That baby. Isn't mines" he said bitterly and left.

I sat there and cried. I cried and cried and cried. I couldn't take it anymore. I had to get out of here. If he didn't want anything to do with me or this baby fine so be it. I want this baby and I'll do anything to make him or her happy. If it's the last thing I do.

I quickly started packing and left Tulsa. I ended up in California. Well, what do you do? LA wasn't so bad. It was well...different. A good different.

I went back to Bucks and sat on the bed in my room shaking my head. Goddamn it. What did I just do! I started pacing around my room shaking my head. Shit shit shit shit! I loved her but I couldn't take care of the kid. I couldn't. I possibly couldn't. I needed to think.

I thought I needed a day to think but a day turned into another and another and another and soon weeks passed and I haven't left my room. Damn, I looked like a mess. I needed to talk to her. I now knew my responsibility. The kid was as much as mine as hers and I needed her to know I'd be there for her. Her and my kid. No...our kid.

I went to The Curtis's and once I entered Winter went all psychotic on me. She threw things and started hitting me that it took Darry, Soda, Steve, and Lannan to hold her back. Sometimes I questioned her sanity.

"Where's Laila? I need to talk to her" I said and Winter threw a fucking rock at me. What the fuck?

"You fucker! She left cause of you!" she yelled and Lannan put a hand over her mouth and tried dragging her out.

She ended up biting his hand and walked over slapping me when Laila walked in. Shit.

I walked in to see a red handprint on Dallas's cheek, a bite mark on Lannan's hand, and a pissed off Winter.

"Um, what freaky shit happened here?"

"You tell me! This little shit decided to show his face after what he did!" Winter yelled and I saw a look of sadness on Dally's face.

He walked over to me and reached out to wrap his arms around me put pulled away.

"Can we uh talk?" he asked and I nodded.

We walked outside and for some reason, he couldn't look me in the eye.

"Laila, I'm so so so sorry. That was fucked up of me for what I said and did and I just want you to know that I want to be there for our kid. I'm sorry" he said and I smiled kissing his cheek.

"I forgive you"



We kissed and walked back inside to tell the good news.

9 months later I was lying here giving birth. Damn it was painful. The whole time Dally was freaking out and me goddamn I was screaming. Soon I gave birth to a baby girl. We couldn't be happier.

I hope you like it boiitslaila24 Stay Gold!

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