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For: DepressionProblems

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For: DepressionProblems

I was sitting at The Curtis's place snuggled up to Pony while we were just watching a random movie. From the corner of my eye, I saw Brooke and Dallas making out. I looked at Pony who was looking at the tv.

"Doesn't that bother you?" I asked him and he shrugged.

"Stop eating each other's faces!" Madi yelled and we all laughed.

Pony had this wild smirk on his face and leaned down to my ear. Oh, God. This was never good.

"Hey, how about I eat more than just your face," he said with a wink.

"Pony...not now" I blushed.

"Why? Why can't I tell my beautiful girlfriend that I love her? In more ways then one" he said grabbing my ass.

"Stop it" I snapped and he chuckled kissing my neck.

He but down softly at first but then roughly. He kept kissing up and down my neck biting up and down as we went. He moved my t-shirt down a bit and started biting at my shoulders. I bit my lip to hold back a moan. He pulled away with a satisfied smirk.

"You're hot," he said resting his head on my shoulder.

"You're not so bad yourself" I replied and he laughed lightly.

"You're amazing did I tell you that?" he questioned and I nodded slowly.

"You tell me this every day" I replied and he smiled.

"Good, cause I wanna tell you again...You're amazing" he smirked and started kissing the other side of my neck biting that side too. I knew I'd probably end up with hickeys up and down my neck.

The lights flicked on and the whole gang was looking at us.

"Ponyboy Michael Curtis!" Darry yelled and Pony and I looked at each other with a frightful look.

"Darry, leave it alone. The gang seeing this is better" Brooke laughed and motioned with her hands in a circular motion.

Madi smirked dipping her finger in water and wiped her neck to reveal a huge hickey on her neck.

"Brooklyn Angel Curtis!" Darry snapped and Pony and I just laughed. Along with the rest of the gang.

"And here I thought Brooke was still innocent" Two commented.

"You should see her in bed," Dal said earning a slap from Brooke.

"Really?! You should've heard Sam and Pony the other night!"

"Remember to be quiet" she chuckled and I blushed.

"We thought you were all asleep..." I said and she shook her head.

"Nope. I woke up early" she smirked.

"Well then. Now that you all know we fuck I'm gonna tale Sam and have some fun" Pony smirked and picked me up.

"Hey! I sleep in that bed!" Soda yelled and I heard Pony chuckle.

He threw me onto the bed and well let's just say we did have that fun. A lot of it. 😉

God. This was short and sucky. I'm so sorry DepressionProblems I hope you did like it though. If you want any changes though tell me. Stay Gold!

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