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I was sitting on the couch at The Curtis's when Steve ran in flopping onto the couch. Him doing that caused me to fall onto the ground.

"You idiot!" I yelled at him and got up hitting him in the head.

From the corner of my eye, I could see my boyfriend of three years laughing his ass off with Pony. I sent him a glare and he laughed.

"Chloe, don't look at me like that" he smiled.

"Well Johnny, you're laughing at me!" I whined and he shook his head.

"Come here," he said motioning me over.

I walked over to him and sat down. He pulled me close to him kissing my head. We laid there and cuddled for a while until the room filled up with the rest of the gang.

"Hey, I'm gonna go to the drive-in. Wanna come Johnny?" Two asked and he shrugged.

"Sure," he said getting up and walking out.

I sat there when Steve sat next to me again.

"Is Johnny treated my baby sister well?" he questioned and I laughed.

"First off I'm your damn twin and yeah he is. He's the best boyfriend any girl could have"

He nodded slowly and it was just me and the gang, besides Johnny and Two, talking and messing around like always.

Two and I got to the movies and when we sat down I poked him.

"Yeah, Johnny?"

"I need your help. Tomorrow can you get Chole out of the house?"


"Two, please? I need you to get her out. Steve will help you and knows the rest of the plan okay?" I said looking up at him and he nodded.

Soon the movie ended and we went back to The Curtis's and I walked over to Chloe who was asleep on the couch and cuddled up next to her. I soon fell asleep with my arms wrapped around her.

The next day I woke up and saw Chloe was gone. Good.

"Hey, I need your help" I announced to the gang.

"What is it Johnnycakes?" Dal asked me.

"I'm gonna ask Chloe to marry me. I need you all to meet me at the lot at noon. I gotta get some things ready" I said and ran out the door.

I woke up to Steve poking me.

"Chloe, I need your help," he said and I groaned getting up.

"What?" I asked annoyed.

"I need you to come with me to the DX. I need you to come look at something" he said and I raised a brow.

"Alright" I replied knowing not to question it. I gently kissed Johnny's cheek and we walked out and to the DX. Me, Steve, and Two for some odd reason.

When we got to the DX basically Steve had me handle him tools. Great. Just great. Hours went by and it was maybe 3?

"Done now Steve?" I asked annoyed and he nodded.

We soon left the DX and Two grabbed me and ran me to the lot.

"What are you doing?!" I snapped and they laughed.

Once we got to the lot I saw the whole gang was here.

"Uh, why are we here?" I asked and I saw Dally, Pony, Steve, and Darry holding up signs that read Will You Marry Me? I almost cried. Someone tapped me on the shoulder so I turned around and saw Johnny standing there. He then got onto one knee.

"Chloe Randle, I love you so so much. Do you remember this is where we first met? From that day I never will forget how I fell in love with you. You mean the world to me and have helped so much. You will never know how much I really love you because there are way too many words to describe it. What I'm trying to say is there's no one I'd rather spend my life with than you so will you marry me?" he asked looking up at me with a smile.

"Yes!" I yelled and he slipped the ring onto my finger and we kissed.

Third person point of view
Years later Johnny and Chloe are still together. He made a vow that he wouldn't even live a day without her. They grew together and even started a family together. In the end, they ended up with four kids. Two girls and two boys.

Sadly things eventually come to an end. On September 14th Chloe died of old age and not soon after Johnny died of old age too. He died 23 hours and 59 minutes after her. He kept his promise. He truly couldn't live a day without her. Now they both live happily in the afterlife. Together.

Oh God this was crappy. I hope you still liked it Outsiders4Days and if you didn't tell me so I can fix it. Stay Gold!

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