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For: LailaIzQueen

I was walking over to The Curtis's place when a bunch of Socs started picking on me.

"Hey look, it's Dallas Winston's whore!" one of them yelled.

"Yeah, You freak! Maybe you should do us a favor and die!"

"Dallas doesn't love you! Why you think he does that's just hilarious! He cheats on you because you can't satisfy him enough! You know he even did Sandy once! That's how fucking gross you are" another spat.

I had enough. I ran over to The Curtis's and went to their bathroom locking the door. Everyone wanted me dead. Not even Dallas loved me. Why was I so stupid?! I started to grab some rope that I found in the shed in the back and was about to hang myself. I was done.  I was about to jump when the door burst open and there stood Dallas.

I was getting bored so I headed to The Curtis's place to see if anyone was there. When I got inside I heard faint cries from the bathroom. I walked over and tried opening the door but it was locked. I busted it down and saw Laila standing on the edge of the bathtub with a rope.

"Laila" I whispered lightly and she shook her head. She was gonna kill herself.

I ran over to her taking the rope and carried her out.

"No! Stop!" she screamed kicking me.

I threw her onto the couch and pinned her down.

"Why?" I asked as tears threatened to spill from my eyes.

"Socs. They have been calling me things and saying you didn't love me. Which is probably true cause who would?" she said quietly and I shook my head.

I laced my fingers into her hair and rested my forehead on hers.

"Laila, I love you so so so fucking much. If you left me I couldn't live with myself. Don't do this to me. I can't really stop you because you're so stubborn but listen. I love you and even if you left I would still love you. You're my fucking world and you're the reason I'm even still here if you want me to be honest. Without you I'd go nuts" I said and she started to say something but I cut her off.

"Whatever stupid reason you have I don't want to hear it. You are the best person in this world. If you die I'd die. I would walk to the fucking edge of the Earth for you. I know this sounds fucking sappy but it's true. If you go you're leaving behind the gang, you're leaving behind me, and you're leaving behind us. I don't want you to leave. So please please stop" I said not even caring that tears were spilling from my eyes and hers.

He kept saying he loves me. He kept saying I was important but I'm not.

"Dallas...I love you but you don't love me. I'm not Sylvia" I said crying and he stepped away with an angered expression.

"I don't love you! I don't love you! How could you say that?! You mean the fucking world to me! I don't want you to go because honestly, I'd also kill myself! You're the only damn reason I'm still alive and Sylvia?! I hate her so much! She never meant anything to me. You do" he said looking back into my eyes.

"D-" I was cut off by him picking me up and swinging him onto his shoulder.

He ran all the way to Bucks and all the way to his room where he slammed me onto the bed getting on top of me.

"I fucking love you and if my damn words won't say anything this should!" he growled and kissed my neck roughly.

Soon we were going at it wildly. Hours later he collapsed next to me and held me close. He started playing with my hair and a tear fell from him.

"I'm sorry Laila but I really don't want you to go," he said holding me tight.

I smiled lightly and kissed him.

"I won't leave you" I whispered and I saw a genuine smile spread across his face. God how much I love him.

Oof this got me in the feels. I hoped you liked it boiitslaila24 and if you want anything changed tell me. Stay Gold!

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