Work from home part 2

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So this is gonna be in third person view or whatever. 2258 words I hope you like it! Stay Gold!

Darry: Dallas when did you date my sister?!

Pony: A year...

Soda: Pony how do you know?!

Pony: Two told me last year when he caught them kissing. I asked Lynn and she made me promise not to tell.

Soda: I still can't believe she'd date someone like you Dallas! We've given her many warnings!

Dallas: I know I'm no good for her man but she's different...

Darry: How?!

Dallas: I don't know she just is

Soda: You must be taken advantage of her or something cause no offense but you aren't her type!

Dallas: Yeah I know I don't deserve her but she makes me happy.

Darry: You've cheated on her haven't you?

Dallas: What no! Never!

Soda: I don't want him dating her Darry

Darry: I don't either. Pony?

Pony: I don't care. I just think Lynn should be happy you know.

Dallas: Where's this going?

Darry: You're breaking up with her. Tonight. If not in person in text. We don't want you dating her.

Dallas: Darrel I fucking love her alright!

Soda: So? You could just be saying that!

Darry: I don't want you around my little sister. You can't look at her talk to touch her. If you do any of these this and I find out you're dead.

Dallas: Darry I promise I'll be good to her. I can't break up with her I just can't.

Soda: Why not huh?

Dallas: Tomorrow's our two year anniversary...I was gonna take her to the beach...

Darry: I don't care. If you don't break up with her today you're doing it tomorrow.

~Dallas left the chat~


Soda: What's up with you

Pony: God! You can't see he cares?! Did you even read what he said when he said tomorrow is their 2-year mark?

Darry: Yeah we did little buddy

Pony: Don't little buddy me! He obviously cares because he never even remembered the day he and Sylvia got together! He even said he loves her and we all know he hasn't said that in forever! I don't even think he said it to Johnny and he cares about Johnny!

Darry: We don't care Pony. He's gonna break up with her.

Pony: Unbelievable...

~Pony left the chat~

[Later on that night]

Lynn was finishing up her job as a waitress at Bucks and she looked at the time. It was 5:00 she could soon go home. She smiled to herself and pulled out her phone texting Dallas.

Hey, Texas I'll see you soon.

She sent the message and saw Dally walk in. She walked up to him and gave him a kiss.

"Hey, Texas how was your day?" she asked playing with his hair.

"It was okay" he mumbled. He couldn't break her heart it hurt him too much.

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