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For: Catlady628

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For: Catlady628

I woke up to the feeling of someone on top of me. They were kissing me all over. My lips, my cheeks, my face, my jaw, my neck, everywhere. I opened my eyes to see Soda looking down at me with his signature smile. The one I fell in love with.

"Hey Soda" I smiled and he grinned against my neck.

"Hey Gabby" he responded.

He pulled away and looked down at me. A smile forming.

"What?" I asked completely confused.

"Don't you know Gabby?" he asked raising a brow.

"Yeah, it's Thursday. What about it?"

"You forgot?" he asked sadly.


"It's our one year..."

"I THOUGHT THAT WAS TOMORROW!" I yelled and he winced.

"Sorry," I said sheepishly and kissed him.

"I feel like a crappy girlfriend now. I'm so sorry Soda, you deserve someone better than me. I'm such an idiot" I rambled and he kissed me again.

"It's okay babe, you'll just have to make it up for me"

"I'm not g-"

"No! I meant you have to come with me. I have a surprise" he said and I nodded slowly. I was kinda scared of I'm gonna be honest.

We left his room and out in the living room, I saw it was deserted. No one was home. Just me and Soda. Just us. I looked into the kitchen and saw a table that was set with plates, silverware, napkins, drinks, and a whole lot more.

I walked over and saw cake. My favorite kind which was chocolate cake with a cream filling. It was like an Oreo cake. (my favorite. I don't know your favorite but I can change it)

"OH MY GOD SODAPOP I LOVE YOU!" I screamed out in pure joy.

I ran over to him and jumped into his arms engulfing him in a big hug. He chuckled lightly and kissed my head.

"I hope you do Gabby cause this is for you. For staying with my idiot self for a year and putting up with my family" he said with a grin and I kissed him quickly.

"I'd forever love you Soda. You and your crazy demented family" I smirked and he smirked back.

That day we spent having the most fun possible. We are breakfast, went out, explored Tulsa, went swimming, went everywhere. We even went to this fancy restaurant. The food was amazing.

I was now lying in bed with Soda. Cuddled closely to him. I laid my head on his chest one hand laced in mine and the other messing with my hair. I looked up at him and he looked down at me with that same smile. I really did love his smile. I love him.

"I hope you had an amazing day princess, I really hope I did the best to make you happy. You deserve the world" he said quietly and I rolled over lying on top of him.

I placed a kiss on his jaw and sent a smile.

"I'll love you no matter what and you do make me happy. Just seeing you makes me happy. Even hearing your name makes me happy. Sodapop Patrick Curtis, you are the best thing that has ever and I mean ever happened to me. I love you. I love you so much more than you know and I forever will"

He looked and me with that same grin placing a kiss on my lips. He wrapped his arms around my waist.

"I love you too Gabby. I love you more than you know"

From there I soon fell asleep right on top of him. Both of us cuddled closely to each other. It was amazing, he was amazing, this whole day was amazing. I don't think I could've asked for a better guy to love me. To kiss me. To hug me. To sleep with me. To cuddle with me. Why? Because no one is better than him. No one is better than Sodapop Patrick Curtis.

Catlady628 I'm sorry this took so long! I had a bunch of school crap. Bleh. Anyways, I hope you liked this and if you want anything changed just tell me. Stay Gold!

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