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For MMSGrease

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For MMSGrease

Hey losers, it's me, Madi Winston. Yeah, that's right Winston. I'm Dallas Winston's little sister. Only by two years though.

I was walking back from the corner store when I saw some kid getting beat up by some Socs. I walked over and saw it was Pony. I knew him from Dallas. I never talked to him but I did see him sometimes around school.

Quickly I rushed over knocking the Socs to the ground. After I beat Bob to the damn dirt they fled. I smirked because it was so funny to me about how much they were so scared of me.

I meant it when I said everyone and I mean EVERYONE knew who I was. Who wouldn't? You'd have to be stupid. It's kinda amazing.

Anyway, I helped Pony up and he just looked at me. That's when a group of guys came towards me. Shoot. Who do I have to punch now?

"GET AWAY FROM HIM!" I heard someone yell and someone grabbed me quickly and pinned me to the ground. Quickly I flipped up over so I was sitting on his chest. I looked to see who it was. It was Two-bit. I knew him from school too.

I heard a slow clap and I saw Dallas leaning against the wall with a grin. I got up slapping him.

"Ey!" he growled and I grinned. He rolled his eyes.

"Who is she?" Soda asked. Everyone knew him. He was the famous Sodapop Curtis. I mean, who didn't?

"My little sister" Dally chuckled resting his arm on my head.

"Don't touch me you little s-"

"Alright, he gets it!" Darry said quickly. I knew him too. He could've been a Soc. He chose his brothers over money or whatever. I guess it was sweet.

I chuckled darkly. "I guess I should get going"

"Coming to Bucks later?"

"Duh! I live there idiot!" I yelled at Dallas before walking off. I couldn't help but have this feeling of someone staring at me. It was odd.


The next day I woke up and Dallas jumped on my bed.

"You little-"

"Sorry Mads but, get up," he said cutting me off.

I rolled my eyes getting dressed and walked out. He grabbed my arm.

"Come with me to The Curtis's"

"Fine," I said rolling my eyes. Soon we were on our way there.


When we arrived there I saw Pony talking with Johnny. I knew Johnny because well we hung out a lot. I kinda had a soft spot for him.

Pony turned and looked at me. A blush spread across his cheeks. Weird.

Dallas started to poke me and I was seriously getting mad. I slapped him and he laughed. I rolled my eyes. What an idiot.

The rest of the day I spent there getting to know the gang. It was fun. It was actually fun. Huh. Who would've known?

It's been a few days since we met Madi. I kept having these feelings. They were so weird. I never have felt this before. I just can't fathom it.

"Pony, you alright?" Johnny said startling me.

"Shoot Johnny, don't scare me like that" I laughed and he smiled.

Suddenly Madi jumped in and I blushed again. Oh, God.

"Do you like her?" Johnny asked. Again I jumped.

"No" I lied and he laughed.

"You should ask her out"

"Ask her out?! She's Dally's sister! I can't do that!"

"Sure you can. What's the worst that can happen" he shrugged. Hmm, I don't know, Dallas could kill me or she could say no I thought to myself but I started to think. Should I?

I walked into the Curtis house today again. This time with Laila, Dallas, and Johnny. Surprisingly no one was here. Odd. I sat down on the couch quietly when Pony came out. I kinda liked him. I think at least. From when I saved him I was still hurting a bit but he was okay and that's all that mattered. At least to me.

Today was the day. I was gonna ask her out.

"Soda! What do I do?!" I said in a panic and he smiled.

"Go out there get on your knees and ask her out. It will be cute to her"

I raised a brow.

"It's basically a girl Dallas..."

He shrugged.

"Couldn't hurt"

I sighed. I walked out seeing her on the couch. She looked at me smiling.

"Hey Pone," she said happily.

I didn't respond. I just walked in front of her got on one knee and smiled.

"Madi Winston, will you be my girl?"

She covered her mouth and nodded. I smiled and kissed her gently. Until we heard a slow clap.

"Wow, how fucking cheesy man," Dallas said earning a middle finger from both of us.

That day I held her close to me. Happy. I mean damn, who wouldn't be? She was amazing. I couldn't ask for better because well, she is the best.

Omg this took forever. I hope you liked it MMSGrease if you want anything changed tell me. Love ya Angels😇

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