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*Children of God. Please don't read. There's gonna be dirty talk. Ish and IzKatiebug get the holy water ready*

We were all sitting at The Curtis's place doing nothing as usual. These guys were fun but God, when they didn't want to do anything you might as well sleep. We sat there in pure and utter silence when Two broke it. Thank God.

"Hey, we should play a game!" he said happily.

We all looked at each other. I was happy Two broke the silence but well how do I put this? Nothing good ever happens when Two suggests a game but right now there wasn't much to do so fuck it.

"Sure Two, what game?" I asked shocking the entire gang.

"Truth or Dare!" he said happily. Instant regret...the guys groaned and I shrugged.

"Fine but I'm seriously gonna regret this aren't I?" I asked and he shrugged.


"Steve, Truth or Dare?" I asked him and he paused for a moment.

"Uh Dare..." he said hesitantly and I had this evil smirk on my face.

"I dare you to have...Soda spank you" I said and Dally let out this small chuckle.

"Uh, why me?" Soda asked and I shrugged.

"Come on spank me...sir" Steve joked causing us all to laugh.

Soda rolled his eyes and spanked him. Steve fake moaned and I rolled my eyes.

"Harder master" he joked again and Soda rolled his eyes walking away. (Idiots)

Soon enough we were doing some crazy stupid Dares and occasionally Truths for the scaredy cats when it was Steve's turn to ask. Great. He's probably gonna get revenge on me or something. I sat there waiting for him to say something.

"Dally, truth or dare?" he asked him. Thank God I thought to myself but then I saw this smirk on his face. Oh no.

"Truth," Dally said because he knew Steve was up to no good.

"How is Laila in bed?" he asked with this small smirk.

"Oh well she's fuckin wild" he chuckled and Steve had this look of satisfaction.

"Please tell," he said smirking still and Dally then started smirking. Oh God help me.

"Well let's just say she begs and begs for every single thing. One time I let her take control and I flipped the tables quickly and she let me. I have complete control over her and man I mean it when I say she gives good blowjobs" he said smirking.

At this point, I was blushing and he started getting closer to me.

"Don't you? Don't you like it when you're laying there begging for me?" he whispered into my ear sending chills down my spine. He bit my ear lightly and moved away. Steve was just laughing his ass off at this.

"What else does she do?" he asked and he had this smirk. Oh, God.

"Oh, did I tell you she calls me what was it...Laila what do you call me?" he asked me and a blush crept onto my cheeks.


"What's my name?!" he growled slapping my ass.

"Dallas" I seethed.

"You're playing a dangerous game" he growled into my ear.

"Can you not handle me?" I smirked and put a hand on his thigh.

"Woah you two. If you're gonna fuck go somewhere else" Two said and we both smirked at each other.

"Maybe we will" he growled at me and I smirked running my hand across him.

"No, we aren't" I smirked and got up walking away.

He growled and picked me up and we ran to Bucks. I was laughing the whole way. When we got there he threw me on the bed and kissed my neck roughly.

"You damn tease" he growled and I laughed.

"I love you, Daddy"

"I love you too"

I hope you liked this! I'm sorry it wasn't what you really wanted but I did do something a little extra for you at the end of you know what I mean 😉😂 Stay Gold!

P.S. God forgive me of my sins

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