Heartbeat Song

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For ItIsSammy

I sat there in the lot. Crying. I was in pain. Psychical and emotional pain. Why was it me? Why does it always have to be me? I've done so much. For everyone...why.

I shook my head as I took a blade dragging it across my wrists. Tears spilt down from my eyes. I sobbed shaking my head violently. I just wanted to die.

"You shouldn't do that" I heard a small voice speak. I looked up and that's when I saw him. A guy with brown eyes and black hair. If only I knew it would've been him...

This is my heartbeat song and I'm gonna play it
Been so long I forgot how to turn it up up up up all night long
Oh up up all night long

It's been weeks since the incident. I've gotten closer with the guy. His name is Johnny. He's honestly the best person I think I could ask for. He's sweet, kind, funny, and so much more. With him I felt whole.

You, where the hell did you come from?
You're a different, different kind of fun
And I'm so used to feeling numb

I sat at the lot when I saw someone approaching. It was as I suspected, Johnny.

"Hey Sam" he spoke with the cutest smile. He sat down. Happy. I was struck.

Now, I got pins and needles on my tongue
Anticipating what's to come
Like a finger on a loaded gun

"Sam? You okay?" he spoke and I felt like I couldn't speak. It's like that stupid saying...

"Cat got your tongue or are you just spacing out" he chuckled and immedienly I blushed.

I can feel it rising
Temperature inside me
Haven't felt it for a lifetime

"Sam? You okay?" he spoke sitting down next to me. I smiled and nodded unable to speak.

The next thing I knew was he grabbed my arm rolling up my sleeves. I looked at him as he let out a sigh of relief.

"Thank God. You're okay" he smiled and spoke softly.

What I heard next made my heart flutter. I didn't think that was possible.

This is my heartbeat song and I'm gonna play it
Been so long I forgot how to turn it up up up up all night long
Oh up up all night long

"I wouldn't be able to survive without you my love" he said ever so softly. It was barely even audible but I heard it and I couldn't stop playing it back.

This is my heartbeat song and I'm gonna play it
Turned it on
But I know you can take it up up up up all night long
Oh up up all night long (all night long)

"I couldn't live without you either Johnny" I spoke subconsciously. I didn't even know I said it until his eyes widened and he was staring right at me.

I, I wasn't even gonna go out
But I never would have had a doubt
If I have known where I'd be now

His shock turned into a smile. My blush most likely worsened.

"Sam" he spoke. Oh God.

"Yeah..." I said with hesitation.

"I-I-I" he finally started to stutter. I don't think I've really heard him stutter...

Suddenly the next thing I knew his lips were on mine and my hands were in his hair.

Your hands on my hips
And my kiss on your lips
Oh, I could do this for a lifetime

He pulled away a blush spread across his cheeks. I couldn't help but have this dumb ass smile on my face.

"S-Sam" he spoke with that stutter again. It was odd.


"Will you be my girl?"

This is my heartbeat song and I'm gonna play it
Been so long I forgot how to turn it up up up up all night long
Oh, up up all night long

"Yes" I quickly said and his eyes widened but before he could say or do anything I kissed him again.

This is my heartbeat song and I'm gonna play it
Turned it on
But I know you can take it up up up up all night long
Oh up up all night long

I couldn't help it. All my heart could do was do backflips, summersaults, and God knows what. It was just the best feeling with him. Him and only him. He's my world. My everything. Mine.

Until tonight I only dreamed about you
I can't believe I ever breathed without you
Baby, you make me feel alive and brand new
Bring it one more time, one more time

In the middle of the night I couldn't help but stay restless. Johnny right next to me holding me closely. The only thing in my head that went on was him. Me. Us.

This is my heartbeat song and I'm gonna play it
Been so long I forgot how to turn it up up up up all night long
Oh up up all night long

I kissed his cheek and I felt him move lightly. It wasn't until he opened his eyes. Both of us stared in each others eyes.

"I love you" he blurted making me blush so damn much.

This is my heartbeat song and I'm gonna play it
Turned it on
But I know you can take it up up up up all night long
Oh up up all night long

"I love you too"


Ahhhh, I'm so sorry it took so long Sam! I hope you like it!

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