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As kids, Soda would always bully me. He would call me names, chase me, scare me, and so much more. It was the most miserable childhood. At 14 I left Tulsa to try to find a better life. In the end, after three years it wasn't getting any better. I missed the gang, at least the nice ones, and I wanted to go back. I started packing up and headed out of my house. Forever.

When I arrived back in Tulsa I went to the house that I called home. Even if Soda hated me Darry and Pony loved my company. Once I got there I smiled and walked in but something was off. The house was quiet and I didn't see Mr. or Mrs. Curtis. I roamed around until I saw a spare room. That was never there. I was so confused until I heard a thud. I turned to see the one and only Sodapop Curtis.

I walked into my home to see the one and only Jay Marie Waterson. She looked better than ever. Her brown shoulder-length hair she used to have was now longer and stopped midway down her back. Her eyes were now baby blue instead of the duller blue they used to be and even her lips changed. They were pink and plump. (That sounds really creepy after writing this lol) She looked at me and rolled her eyes. I've always liked her even as kids but I never told her that.

"Jay! You're back!" I said smiling and she raised a brow.

"Where is everyone? Also, where's your Mom and Dad?" she asked and it hit me. She never knew about their death.

"Jay they passed away...about a year ago," I said sadly and I saw her tear up. She loved my parents like they were her own. I walked over and hugged her as she cried into my shoulder.

"How?" she asked and I shook my head.

"Auto-wreck. I dropped out, Darry is caring for us, and Pony he's still in school working his hardest to get into college. How have you been?" I asked and her eyes grew dark.

"Not your business" she snapped.

"Where is everyone?" she asked and I shrugged.

"Dallas is probably at the bar, Pony is with Johnny, Dar is at work, Steve is at the DX, and Two is probably home" I replied.

She didn't say anything and just left. Just left. Why did she hate me?

I walked to the DX where I saw Steve.

"Hey grease monkey!" I yelled and he looked shocked.

"Look it's a rat!" he said and I chuckled.

"Missed ya too Steve" I smiled and he laughed.

"You're back!" he said and I nodded.

"For good?"

"Yep" I replied popping the p.

"You know Soda he's sorry for how he treated you as kids," he said and I shrugged.

"Sure" I replied and sat on the counter.

"How much longer?" I asked bored.

"2 minutes," he said and I smiled jumping happily.

A few minutes later he closed up shop and we drove back to The Curtis's house.

When we got there I saw everyone but Darry who was probably working.

"Minnie!" Two yelled.

"Waterson" Dal yelled.

"Jay!" Pony and Johnny yelled.

Then from behind me, I heard a voice I haven't heard in three years. It was deeper and more grown up like.

"Superwoman! You're back!" Darry said hugging me.

"God Dar-bear!" I chuckled and he let go.

We spent the day catching up when I decided to be a bigger person and talk to Soda.

"How are you?" I asked and he growled.

"Not your business!" he snapped and I stood up and yelled.

"What did I ever do to you huh?! You've been mean to me ever since we were kids! The only time I've ever heard you concern was 5 minutes ago for only 3 minutes! What is going on inside that head of yours huh?! To think I actually missed you the most. Unbelievable. How did I think 3 years without me would fix my 14 years of torture?!" I snapped and ran out.

Soda ran after me and grabbed my hands.

"Let go of me. I obviously don't matter right now or am I irrelevant? Go away" I said and he pushed me against a tree kissing me. I pushed away and slapped him.

"I like you, Jay! I have since we were little!" he yelled and I scoffed walking away.

"That's the truth, Jay! I started being mean hoping it would push you away so I could hopefully move on from but 17 years later here I am. I really do love you I was just scared" he admitted.

"Do you forgive me?" he asked and she shrugged.

"I'm really sorry Jay," he said pleading.

"Please" he begged and I sighed.

"I forgive you Soda but this doesn't mean we'are a thing," I said and he nodded.


I hope you liked it IzKatiebug and if you want anything changed tell me and I will! Stay Gold!

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