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For lilyupad

I was sitting there on the Curtis's couch when I looked over seeing Dallas and Pony talking. They seem to be arguing...weird. As I watched them I could only stare at both of them. Admiring them. I always had a crush on Ponyboy...and Dallas but it's fine...right? What's the odds of them both liking me?

"Lila, you're staring" Ember said sitting down next to me.

I only nodded. I didn't really pay attention to her. It was kinda a mumble.

"Lila! Lila! LILA! STOP STARING AT MY BROTHER!" she shouted snapping me out of my trance.

I looked at her with a look. The look saying, 'what the fuck.' I looked over to see Pony looking at me along with Dallas. Pony was shocked while Dallas...he had this...expression.

"Ember Angel Curtis, what the hell?!" I snapped quietly making her laugh.

"You like him don't you?" someone said plopping next to me. Which scared the crap out of me.

"God damn it Sodapop!" I growled in annoyance.

Both of them laughed.

"You Curtis's just love scaring people hm?" I asked raising a brow.

"We aren't scary are we?" someone said making me jump.

"God damn it, Darrel!" I scolded making the three laugh.

"What about scary?" some said making me fall off the couch.

"You stupid Curtis'!"

They all gasped making me roll my eyes.

"You guys are dumbbbbb" I said carrying out the word.

Ember laughed pushing her brothers.

"Go away. I need to talk with Lilia" she spoke and they scattered.

"So, I see it the way you look at Pony. You like him don't you?"

"Yeah...I do..." I peeped out quietly.

"I feel like there's a but in this"

"But, I also like Dallas"

She chuckled.


"I like Dallas too but if he picks you that's okay" she smiled.

I laughed shaking my head. "I think he'd like you more. You're prettier"

She laughed getting up when the door opened and a Soc busted in. A SOC! We all pulled out our blades and he raised his hands.

"Wait, I'm here to call a rumble. It's going to be tonight" he said worriedly. He seemed...new. Probably a guinea pig.

"Why" Two asked. A look of worry was on the Soc's face.

"Ummm who is Ember and Lila?" he asked and we raised our hands.

"If you lose the Socs get them for their little pleasure toys" he said and I saw an outraged look on Ember's face.

"THAT'S MY FUCKING SISTER!" Soda yelled lunging but Steve held him back.

"You'll see us tonight" Darry spoke and he nodded.

"No weapons and no back up. Just you seven" he said quietly and walked out.

"I'm going" Ember said suddenly and pulled her hair back.

A mix of nos were said and I laughed. "Can I?"

"No!" Dally and Pony yelled

I sighed and sat. Ember did too. We watched as they got ready it well soon it was 7. There are going to leave.

"Okay, we gotta go guys. Let's go. Bye Em and Lila. Give us an hour or two" he said and we nodded as they left.

//hours later//

I managed to fall asleep and I guess Winter did too because the door opened and we both fell onto the ground making a loud thud.

"Both of you move!" Darry and Johnny yelled. Johnny doesn't yell...

I looked over and saw Pony and Dallas. Both bleeding out. Once Darry sat Pony down I ran to him without hesitation. Without even looking at Dallas another time. I quickly found the source of bleeding and fixed him up. All the same time he kept yelling and kicking about something.

"Dally, tell me he's okay!" he said loudly and I looked over to see Ember caring for him. She was smiling and so was he. I knew they would hit it off because well, I liked Pony. That I figured out.

Once they both were fine Dallas and Pony had a talk. I don't know what about but all I heard is "You can have her" "I thought you liked her?" "Well...I did. I like someone else" "Who?" "Ember" I smiled. They were talking about a girl and Ember. Awe. My face then fell...The pony was going to ask out a girl and Dallas has Ember.

Damn, nothing worked in the end I guess. What do you do hmm? I sat there thinking when Pony came over and held my hand. Instantly I tensed up.

"Lila, I like you. A lot. I have has this crush on you for a long time. Will you be my girl?"



Hoped you liked it lilyupad I know it's been forever but I really hope you enjoyed it! Love ya angels!

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