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Sophi: You shout it out
But I can't hear a word you say
I'm talking loud not saying much

Darry: What did you do Sodapop Patrick Curtis!

Soda: What? Nothing!

Sophi: I'm criticized but all your bullets ricochet
You shoot me down, but I get up

Pony: Sophi is Soda being an ass?!

Steve: Soda! What did you do!

Soda: What do you mean Soda what did you do? I did nothing!!!

Sophi: I'm bulletproof nothing to lose
Fire away, fire away

Two: Is Soda cheating on you?! Want me to kill him?

Johnny: Soda come on that's low...

Dallas: Where's my blade?

Sophi: Ricochet, you take your aim
Fire away, fire away

Darry: Great Soda she's now depressed!

Soda: I didn't do anything!!!!!!!!

Sophi: You shoot me down but I won't fall, I am titanium

Steve: Wait he didn't go back to Sandy did he?

Pony: I swear if you did my new favorite is gonna be Darry.

Darry: 😑

Dallas: Okay what the hell is going on?!

Sophi: You shoot me down but I won't fall
I am titanium

Soda: I swear whatever I did I'm sorry!!!!

Pony: Sorry isn't gonna cut it.

Dallas: If you don't trust Pony trust me cause a sorry definitely doesn't work with Lynn.

Lynn: Got that right.

Lynn: Wait...what did you do Soda!

Sophi: Cut me down
But it's you who has further to fall
Ghost town, haunted love

Lynn: Oh my God...I swear Soda if you even hurt her in the smallest way I'm gonna kill you.

Dallas: She will.

Soda: What did I do?!

Sophi: Raise your voice, sticks and stones may break my bones
I'm talking loud not saying much

Johnny: Wow Soda...you hurt her verbally...

Lynn: Soda I swear if you don't spit it out I'll make you! I'd rather physically be abused than verbally or mentally. Physical would can heal over time but what you say remains in people's minds forever. Words can be forgiven but not forgotten!

Dallas: Damn...

Soda: But I didn't do anything!!!!

Sophi: I'm bulletproof nothing to lose
Fire away, fire away

Darry: What did he do Sophi?!

Soda: I didn't do anything!!!

Sophi: Ricochet, you take your aim
Fire away, fire away

Two: Tell me did he cheat?!

Steve: Did he pressure you into doing things you didn't want to do?

Soda: Oh my God! I would never do that!

Sophi: You shoot me down but I won't fall
I am titanium

Darry: Soda did you do what Steve said?!

Soda: No! God no!

Johnny: You're nasty Soda...I thought you were nice.

Sophi: You shoot me down but I won't fall
I am titanium

Lynn: Oh my God Soda...

Sophi: Stone-hard, machine gun
Firing at the ones who run
Stone-hard, thus bulletproof glass

Dallas: Damn Soda! Why would you do that to Sophi?!

Soda: What did I do?! I didn't do anything and you're all supposed to be my friends!!!

Sophi: You shoot me down but I won't fall, I am titanium

Soda: Sophi what did I do?! Please tell me whatever I did please let me make it up to you!

Sophi: You shoot me down but I won't fall, I am titanium

Lynn: You're a disgrace Soda. How dare you hurt your girlfriend?!

Soda: What did I do?!

Sophi: Soda didn't do anything. This was a lyric prank.

Soda: Oh my God...

Darry: He better not do anything or else I'll cut his junk off.

Pony: Ew

Johnny: Ummm tell me ahead of time when you're gonna do this so I can be in the lot.

Sophi: Soda didn't do anything and never will. Thank you though for the support and sorry Soda.

Soda: I'm just glad we're alright.

Sophi: Yep

Soda: I love you

Dallas: Alright that's our cue.

~Everyone left the chat but Sophi and Soda~

Sophi: I love you too Soda

ClydesdaleGirl17 I hope you liked this and if you want anything changed just tell me. Stay Gold everyone!

The Outsiders: Imagines, Preferences, and Lyric Pranks [Competed]Where stories live. Discover now