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I was walking around the house Soda and I bought together. I couldn't help but think. What happened? What went wrong? What did I do? What did he do? When. Where. Why. Of all people...why me.

"Y/N! I'm home!" he called could he be so happy...

I'm stumbling, I can't see straight
And it's my fault I got this way

It's all my fault...maybe. Just maybe if I would've tried better she would still be alive...or maybe he would still be alive...they both would've still been alive...

I got my hands on something great
And found a way to mess it up

"Leave me be Sodapop" I spoke seriously. I couldn't help but be him. At myself...

I did my best, I tried to change
But it's just in my DNA
I got my hands on something great
And found a way to fuck it up again

Months later it was all the same. I got moodier. Crazier. Madder. I was going insane. Slowly. Slowly I was in pain.

Now I'm the one thing you couldn't hate more but you're the one thing that I would die for

Soda walked in again. It was a new day you know but...instead of being happy he was angry. Irritated. He wasn't's funny because no matter how much I hate him right now I'll always will love him...I don't think he knows that...


I sulked into my own house not wanting to be there. I didn't want to be with her right now. She made me so mad but I could never lay a hand on her. I've been told how worthless I was by Sandy, by my own family, by everyone, and now her...

All my life, I was told, I was never nothing special
I don't need to be reminded of it every other second
'Specially when all my self-esteem's
Already shot to hell, I'm falling helplessly

"Oh, you're home" she spoke with venom dripping from every word. How I loved her. She would never know...

I'm embarrased, I don't want no one else to see
'Cause I feel like I'm a piece of shit every time she yells at me

"Why do you hate me so much?" I spoke. I always wondered. Where it all went wrong. I knew she was crazy but that's why I fell in love with her but now...I don't know who she is...

"BECAUSE YOU'RE ALWAYS SO HAPPY! WE LOST OUR FUCKING KIDS AND YOU'RE SMILING!" she yelled and I just shook my head and walked away. She took their deaths the hardest...

Selfishly addicted, definitely doesn't help that she
Makes me feel like I've died and gone to heaven
But makes life a living hell for me

I walked back out an hour later seeing her crying. I walked over and held her close.

"Don't fucking touch me" she snapped and I frowned walking away again to the kitchen. We're falling apart...

She does that thing with her lip, now she's melting me
I'm putty in her palms, I'm wrapped around her finger
A yo-yo on a string, she lets me sit there and just dangle

I walked back over and she looked at me with a smile. She did a small lip bite and I melted right there. Now I knew why I loved her. It's funny because time to time she's nice but then evil but then I love her because she's her and there's nothing better.

The Outsiders: Imagines, Preferences, and Lyric Pranks [Competed]Where stories live. Discover now