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For LailaIzQueen

I was just sitting there, in my boyfriend's lap. Happy. Smiling. laughing. And well, four months pregnant. I couldn't be any happier. Surrounded by my amazing boyfriend, friends, and my now known family. Well, they weren't really my family but it was close enough. It's like they are family. I honestly couldn't ask for more. I couldn't even ask for better because there is no better. Not now, not here, not ever.

"Laila!" someone yelled breaking me suddenly from my thoughts.

"Hmm?" I hummed lightly. Sorta confused on what was going on.

"I asked you if you and Dallas are happy. With your baby and all" Winter spoke with a smile. Lightly she laid her back against her boyfriend's chest also in his lap.

"Of course! At least I am. You'd have to ask Texas his part" I giggled softly making Winter laugh too.

"Yeah Dallas, got a soft spot?" she joked and he nodded.

"Yes. Yes, I do now I don't see why that matters. I can't wait for our baby boy or girl and I don't see you having a kid right now with Jax so yeah, leave me be. I'm trying to get lost in Laila's eyes" he spoke laying his head back onto my shoulder only making me blush.

If only I knew that's when everything would turn to shit.

Suddenly, the door burst open and in came Bob with a gun shooting me into the chest and stomach. No one could've known. No one could've acted. All I remember is bleeding and the loud screaming of everyone.

"Save her" I whispered before everything went dark.


I rushed her to the hospital as the gang followed. I couldn't lose her or our baby. And what did she mean her? We didn't even know the gender! I panicked pacing the room as I knew the damn doctors were saving her life. The baby's life too. They better save both because if I had to choose I don't know what I would do.

"Dally" Winter spoke softly breaking me from my thoughts. That was only because she never called me Dally or Dal. It was always Dallas.

"What" I spoke with anger laced in my voice.

"She's going to be alright. So is your baby" she whispered hugging me and I hugged back. If only she were right...

Moments later the doctor came out. She had a sad look on her face. Shit.

"Family of Laila Woods?" she spoke and instantly I walked over.

"Is she alright?! How is the baby?!" I asked in a panicked tone. Soon the whole gang was next to me for support.

"Um...your baby girl died. Shot in the heart...I'm sorry" she spoke and instantly I shattered. My baby girl...our baby girl...

"W-what about L-Laila?" I choked out and again she sighed.

"The bullet almost hit her heart. It missed it by only a few centimeters but, I'm sorry. She's in a coma" she said and those words hit me like a ton of bricks.

"When is she gonna wake up?" Winter asked and I swear. I was frozen. I was blank. I could hear but I couldn't move...What I heard next was even worse.

"We don't know. She could possibly never wake up" the doctor spoke and instantly out of anger I flipped a chair and stormed out of the hospital and back to Buck's. I couldn't. I can't live without her.


I ran into Buck's constantly throwing things. Smashing things. I was so angry. Angry at myself, Bob, the gang, Laila herself! All I wanted to do was fucking die!

The Outsiders: Imagines, Preferences, and Lyric Pranks [Competed]Where stories live. Discover now