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For LailaIzQueen

I was sitting there staring at the ground. Worry taking over me. I felt like something was going to go wrong you know...something really wrong...I looked over and saw Winter shaking rapidly. Her leg was like moving...out of control. Jax came over placing a hand on her thigh.

"Calm down love" he spoke softly. That honestly made me smile. They love each other so so much. It's amazing how much he cares for her since she came out of an abusive relationship.

Soon my thoughts were shaken away by Dally smashing his lips onto mine. I yelped a little in surprise but then melted into the kiss. Soon enough we were having a full on heavy make-out.

"No fucking on my couch!" Winter yelled earning a laugh from everyone except me of course...I was blushing like an idiot from embarrassment.

"Moving on, ready guys" Darry said rolling his eyes.

"Noooooo I'm nottttt! I thought the rumble was in an hour!" Winter said getting up quickly. I did too.

"No!" both Jax and Dally said.

"Texassss" " Wolfieee" both Winter and I complained making both guys laugh. Along with the gang.

Winter was having her own argument with her brothers and boyfriend and I understood why she couldn't go but me? Why me?

"Dallyyyyyyy why can't I go?!" I whined and he shook his head.

"No, I don't want you hurt" he said and I crossed my arms.


"No buts baby girl. You're staying"

"Fine" I pouted and landed onto the couch in annoyance. I could easily take care of myself I mean, it's skin...no one gets hurt at a skin rumble...

Winter sat down kicking the carpet.

"They won't let you go either?" I said raising a brow.

"No! Apparently since I'm a girl! I can't fight!" she snapped exaggerated the word girl and fight.

The gang rolled their eyes and walked out. Except Dally and Jax. Jax said bye to Winter while Dally came over saying his goodbye to me.

"See you later baby girl. After the Rumble we could maybe have some celebration" he winked making me blush.

"Maybe" I smirked making him chuckle.

"Love you doll"

"Love you too"

"Love you more" he said and I laughed.

"Get out" I said rolling my eyes and soon the two left leaving me and Winter. Alone. In an empty boring house...

Moments passed and Winter stood up.

"We're going" she said catching me off guard.


"We're going to that rumble. Go get ready" she said and I nodded getting changed.

Moments later she came out in a black leather tube top and skirt. It was paired with a blue leather jacket. Blue was kinda her color you know. Her make up was sorta heavy and her hair was curled. She looked at me with a smirk.

"Hurry up. If we go in the middle of it we can't join" she said and I nodded getting dressed.

Soon I was wearing a leather bra, leather shorts and one of Dally's leather jackets. For makeup I also did mine on the heavy side. For hair, I sorta left it as is.

The Outsiders: Imagines, Preferences, and Lyric Pranks [Competed]Where stories live. Discover now