3~The Avengers (3)

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I woke up and looked at the clock and saw it's 7 am. I got up and showered. After, I put on my uniform and tied my hair into high pony tail. I went out and went to the dining room. I saw Pepper, preparing breakfast for everyone. I went on the counter top and looked at her.

"Good morning.." She said.


"So, a birdie came and told me that you and Captain America are getting too close." She said.

"Who told you?"

"Tony. He noticed you two."

"What did he said?"

"He doesn't like the idea, but time will come and he'll realized that."

"I hope so.."

"Are you and him are a thing?"

"No.. Getting to know?"

"He haven't asked you to be his girlfriend?"

"Nope, but I'm not rushing things.."

"That's good.." I just nodded my head.

"JARVIS, please wake up everyone and tell them that breakfast is ready.." Pepper told our AI.

"Of course, Miss Potts."


"Me and Nat are in position." I said through my ear piece.

"Good.." Tony said.

"Bruce, where are you?" Tony asked.

"Hacking the system."

"Guys, we saw Barton here with Selvig." I said.

"Selvig? They were hypnotized by Loki.." Thor said.

"What do we do? Fight them, until we let them realized that they're hypnotized by Loki?" Nat said.

"Yeah.." Tony said.

"Thor, we might need your help, take care of Loki and we'll take care of the two." I said.

"Coming there." Thor said.

"Steve, I might need your help." Thor said.

"Right behind you." Steve said. Me and Nat are hiding on the vent and in positioned to attacked. Just then we heard Thor and Steve are talking to Loki.

"Brother! You're here.." Loki said.

"Stop this nonsense, Loki.." Thor said.

"No, I can't brother."

"We have no choice.. Ladies!" Steve said. I dropped down first and Nat came beside me. In front of me is Clint and Nat has Dr. Selvig.

"Clint.." I said.

"Agent Y/N, Agent Romanoff.." Clint said while he's readying his bow and arrow.

"You're being hypnotized by Loki.." I said.

"No Y/N. You were being hypnotized by S.H.I.E.L.D."

"You know that's not true, Clint." Just then, he started to attacked. Me and Nat started to helped each other stopped Clint. Just then, Clint kicked me and I stumbled on Nat. Loki used his scepter to toss Steve and Thor. Loki went to us and we attacked the two. Loki immediately scratched my side with his scepter. But it didn't stopped me, I got his scepter and used its power to toss him. I stood up and used it to Selvig and Barton.

"We got Loki.." Tony said.

"What happened?" Clint said. Just then, I felt a huge wave of pain in my side. I held it with my free hand and kneeled down.

"Y/N!! Tony, Y/N's hurt!" Nat said.

"I'm okay, Nat.." I said. Clint immediately helped me stand up and we walked out.

"Y/N! What happened?" Tony said while he went to me and held me.

"I just need some stitch and I'll be fine."

"Y/N!!" Steve ran towards me and held me on my other side.

"Guys, I'm fine.." I told them.

"I shouldn't let you go.." Tony said while we're going to the jet. Thor got the scepter from me and the two men put me on the chair.

"I'll fixed you up." Tony said and he fixed my wound. I looked at Steve and he rubbed his thumb in my hand.

~Going back to New York~

Steve haven't left my side since we left Germany. Tony managed to fixed me up and he went to the front of the jet and drove the jet.

"Are you feeling better?" Steve asked me.

"Yeah.." I put my head on his shoulder and he held my hand.

"Good to know you're okay.."

"It's just a scratch, nothing big happened to me."

"Scratch or not, still, we're worried for you."

"Thank you for your concern."

"Welcome.." I closed my eyes and just tried to relax.

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