39~The One That Got Away

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Everything was an organized plan when I was brought to a SHIELD mission regarding about tracking a new spy agent that wants to end my life. Steve, at first, is doubting the mission but, I can't let someone do their job to destroy me. 

"Steve baby, I just need to go to this mission." I begged him as he sat in our couch and he put his hands in his head.

"Sweetheart, I just don't want you to go.. I have a bad feeling in this.." 

"Steve, nothing bad will happened." I said as he looked at me in my eyes. He held my cheek and he went near me and we kissed. As we kiss, he lay me back and he climbed on top of me.

"Are you okay with this?" He asked gently as I nodded my head at him and sighed.

"But not here, bedroom." I told him and he nodded at me. He carried me and we continued our making love inside our bedroom.


I opened my eyes and saw at the clock and it's only 4 am. I looked at my side and saw Steve sleeping peacefully. I faced him and I held his face in my hand. I felt him snuggle into my touch and he slowly opened his eyes. He looked at me and I smiled at him. He smiled back and he pulled me closing the gap between us. 

"Don't go, I'll go for you.." He said.

"I can't Steve. You need to stay here." 

"No Y/N, it's my job to protect you. No matter what, I'll come with you." 

~7 am~ 

Fury didn't let Steve go with me. Now, I'm at the jet with Clint and Tony with me. Steve brought me to the helipad of the tower. He doesn't even let go of my hand and I also understand why. As we arrived at the ramp, I faced him and he didn't waste time to kiss me again and I returned the favor. I put my arms around his neck and his on my waist. As I slowly broke the kiss, he kept pecking my lips. 

"Please come back safe and sound to me." I nodded my head into him and I smiled at him. I hugged him tightly and I felt tears falling down on my shoulder. I looked at Steve and wiped his tears. 

"I'll come home to you and only you." I told him. He nodded his head and he kissed my forehead. As he broke the kiss, his kiss lingered in my forehead. 

"Let's go Y/N." Tony said. I looked at him and nodded at him. I looked at Steve and kissed him deeply in his lips. After a moment, I broke the kiss and I kissed his cheek and whispered at his ears. 

"I love you so much Steve." 

"I love you too Y/N.. Come back to me, please.. I needed you in my life.."

"I need you most. I'll see you in two days baby.." 

"I'll see you soon. Be safe." He said as he backed away and I went inside the jet. I looked at my back one last time and waved goodbye at him and did a flying kiss to him and he did the same to me and I just smiled and chuckled. He chuckled too and I went farther at the front of the jet. 

~2 days after~

*Third Person's POV

As the team arrives at the compound of the AVENGERS, a group of doctors and nurses are pulling a bed with a body into the infirmary and Steve saw this. He ran towards this as he saw a hair, with the same length and same color as Y/N's, flowing down the bed. He didn't know if it was you that was on the bed, with a white sheet covered all over the body or was it just somebody else. Steve saw Tony and Clint walking near him. He rushed to them and asked worriedly.

"Where's Y/N?! Tell me it's not her that's on the bed!" He asked them but nobody said something. 

"That's not me.." Steve heard another voice that he knew very well. He looked at his back and saw Y/N alive, but has scratch and little blood from the blow she received at the battlefield that caused her eyebrows to open up with little blood.


Steve rushed towards me and he kissed my lips. I returned his favor. I broke the kiss and I held his cheeks in my hands as he held my waist. 

"See, I came back and I can't let my love be so sad anymore."

"No more going to mission alone. I'll let Fury to make you my first mate." 

"I already done that. When you're going on a mission, I'll be with you." 

"Thank you.." He kissed my cheek and he held me so close. I won't let go of this bond I have with Steve. Steve will be my forever.

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