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~After AOU~

Me and Steve are quite getting along so well. We started off as friends and now, we decided to level up our relationship. We were both happy and contented. His new teammate, Wanda, she was okay with me and Steve. Wanda knew about our relationship because we casually saw each other before me and Steve became couples. We were friends and she was so happy when she found out that me and Steve are a couple. Me and Steve are trying to keep our relationship low first because of: One, the public might knew that we are dating. Two, Fury might disagree with what is happening between me and Steve. Lastly, his team won't let him settle down because of their busy schedules with mission and all.

That is actually true. In a month, I won't be able to see him because he was out doing a mission with the team, saving the world and we won't have our communication until he went home. But, there is also no time since I ran my father's business. Since my father died, he wrote his last will and testament saying that since I'm his only kid, he passed his duties, responsibilities and the position to me and he let all his money, shares and stocks into the account of me and my mother.

Back to the case, me and Steve never went out to date because of our conflict time schedule but we try to call each other in a short span of time. Now fast forward, me and Steve are now four months together and he will try to let me meet his team. When we stopped at the Avengers Tower. Steve went down and he helped me go down the cab and I looked at the tower and I can't help but feel scared.

"Don't be. They will like you." Steve said as he went in front of me and he peck my lips. I smiled at him and I held his hand.

"Are you sure? From the way they tell you stories, it looks like they don't want to lose you yet." I told him.

"Why would they lose me? Is it because of the missions?" I just shrugged my shoulders and him and pout my lips.

"Maybe, maybe not."

"They won't lose me. You won't lose me too, that I promise." He said as he held my chin and I smiled at him. I nodded my head and he went near me and kissed my lips.

"Now, let's go." Steve said and I nodded my head and we held each other's hand. On the way there, I can't help but feel nervous and scared. As the elevator rings, my heart begins to pound rapidly. When the door opened, we saw all the Avengers, sitting on their living room and chatting and fooling around. They stopped at what they're doing when they saw Steve, who brought a girl and holding a hand with it.

"Hey guys. I would like you to meet Y/N, she's my girlfriend. Y/N, meet the rest of the team. Here's Clint, Natasha, Thor, Bruce, Vision, you know Wanda--"

"Hi!" Wanda exclaimed. You waved your hand at her and smiled. She smiled back at you and she winked at you.

"--and here's Tony." Steve finished.

"Hi guys, it's nice to meet you all." You said.

"Cap, are you sure?" Tony asked. With what he said, you began to panic.

"Tony, I know what I'm doing. I wanted to try and settle things with her. I wanted to try a life that I wasn't able to do before I went in the ice." Steve said a little defensive while holding my hand tightly and bringing me a little at his back.

"Steve, we're too busy to have some distracting stuff around us. You won't be able to focus on our mission!" Tony said. That words got through me and I became dumbfounded a little. I let go of Steve's hand and he looked at me and got shocked. I put my hands on my necklace with Steve's name on it and tried to bite my lips so my tears won't fall and breakdown in front of them. I looked down at my feet and tried to be quiet.

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