16~Fight to be Back (5)

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Me, Thor, Captain Marvel, Tony and Steve are fighting Thanos. Thanos used the power stone in the gauntlet, which is in his hand and we flew away. I immediately stood up, grabbed my rope and I got it in the gauntlet and pulled it of off him. But, he got the rope and pulled me to him and he got his sword and strucked it in my stomach. I let go of the rope and Thanos threw me with the sword on my stomach. The others tried to fight Thanos. I removed the sword on my stomach and I groaned in pain. I held my wound with my left hand. I put my right hand on my right ear to where the comms is. I pressed it and talked to Steve.

"Steve.." I said weakly. Just then, a bright light came flashing and I just saw the aliens becoming dust.

"Ste--ve.." I whispered softly. I tried to crawl back to the place but with what blood came rushing out of me, my vision became blurry and I became very weak.

"Y/N, where are you??!" Steve asked worriedly through the comms. Just then, I become unconscious and lay my head on the ground.


"Guys, find Y/N, she won't answer me.." I said worriedly. I ran around the field until I saw a body laying down on the ground. I immediately went to it and saw that it's Y/N. I turn her around and saw her eyes closed. I saw blood came running from her stomach.

"No..no.no.noo..." Just then, I held her wound and pressed it deeply.

"Don't die on me baby.. Please.." I told her while tears are flowing down my eyes.

"Cap!" I heard Clint and Doctor Strange came near me.

"She's dying.." Doctor Strange said.

"Help her!" I begged him and he nodded his head. He used his powers to try and heal Y/N. Her blood, that's rushing out of her tried to come back on her body and her wound suddenly closed. Just then, she sat and breathed hard. I held her and saw she's breathing so hard. She started to touched her wound and she didn't saw blood on her hand and she looked at me.

"What happened?" She asked. Instead of answering her, I hugged her tightly and cried at her shoulder. She broke the hug and she held my cheeks and wiped my tears.

"Why are you crying?" She asked.

"I thought you're going to leave me.. But thanked goodness, Doctor Strange saved you." She looked at Doctor Strange and thanked him and I did the same. I stood up and helped her stood up.

"Mr. Stark, no!" We heard Peter screamed. All of us looked at each other and ran towards the commotion. We saw Tony is very unwell and pale.


I went near Tony and he weakly looked at me and smiled.

"We--won, doll." He said.

"Tony, you're like a brother to me. I already lost Nat and I don't want to lose my brother.." I said and tears fell from my eyes.

"Tony.. " Pepper came and he looked at her.

"Tony, what about Morgan?"

"I--love--you guys.." Just then, Tony's arc reactor shuts off.

"No!" I said and cried at his chest. I felt someone pull me. I looked at it and saw it's Steve. He pulled me to his chest and I cried at him.

"He's in the safe place, Y/N. He's with Nat." Steve whispered into my ears and just cried. He rubbed my back and helped me calm down.

~The Following Day~

Pepper came with a flower in her hand and with the other hand, she's holding Morgan's hand. Pepper put the flower with Tony's arc reactor on the lake and let it swim away. All of us are wearing a black clothes for Tony's funeral. I put my head on Steve's chest. I put my hand around his waist and the other one on his stomach. He put his hand on my waist and the other one in his pocket.

After the funeral, Morgan came to me and I carried her into my arms.

"Hey little princess. How are you feeling?" I asked her. Steve grabbed my waist and watched me interact with Morgan.

"Sad because daddy isn't here with us." Morgan replied.

"I'm sure daddy is looking down at you from the sky." I said.

"Why won't he come down?" I looked at Steve and he shrugged his shoulder.

"God called him to protect the heavens from the bad guys." Steve said.

"Yeah and your daddy is trying to protect you and your mommy from the bad guys." I added.

"Will you and uncle Steve stay here?"

"No, little princess. Me and Uncle Steve will go back and have something to do."

"But, we will invite you and your mom for a party that me and your auntie Y/N organized, okay?" Steve asked and she nodded her head. Morgan asked to go down and I put her down and I saw Wanda and Clint on the tree, alone together.

"What's the next plan?" I asked Steve.

"Just gonna put back the stones to where they came from."

"Who's gonna put the stones back?"


"Love, I don't want you to--"

"I'll be back. By the time that I'll be back, we'll do the wedding.."

"Promise me you'll come back to me."

"I promise, my love." I hugged him and he hugged me back and kissed my head.

"I love you my queen."

"I love you more my captain."

~Time skip~

Steve is saying his 'see you later' to Sam and Bucky. He went near me and he kissed my lips. He broke the kiss and he held my cheeks.

"I'll be back like this. That I promise." I nodded my head and he pecks my lips. I held my arms and he went to the platform. I looked at him as he went inside the quantum.

"Returning back on 5..4..3..2..1.." But, Steve didn't came back. Just then, Sam started to panic. I walked down the hill and saw a lake on it. Maybe Steve went back with Peggy. With that thought, my tears fell from my eyes and I looked at my engagement ring. I removed the ring in my hand and held it close to my heart. Then, memories with Steve keep coming back to me. I closed my eyes and sighed deeply and put my head back and just trying to make my tears stop. I opened my eyes and breathe in and sighed deeply. I put the ring on the palm of my hand and held it. I looked back and my eyes didn't believed what I just saw.

"Engagement rings should be worn, not removed. Unless, you're calling the wedding off?" Steve said and he's back again. And he did his promise, he will come back like his younger self.

"I thought you're not coming back because Bruce cannot bring you back awhile ago. And maybe stayed in the past." I said. He went near me and got my ring and my hand. He put it on my finger and he held my hand and kissed it.

"Now, this time, you won't removed this, ever again." He said. I smiled big and I went near him and immediately kissed his lips. I put my arms around his neck and he put his hands on my waist.

"Promise is a promise.." He said and I hugged him.

"Now, there's another promise that I needed to do." He said.

"What is it?" I asked him.

"Marry you. Tomorrow is the day of our wedding and I want us to go home and prepare for tomorrow."

"Of course, my future husband."

"Good, my future wife." Just then, he kissed my lips again and he broke it for a little. He looked back at Sam and he got his shield from the ground and gave it to Sam.

"I'm retiring from being a superhero because I wanted to focus on my family and I want to be a hands-on husband and a father to my family." Steve said.

"Are you sure?" Sam asked.

"I'm very sure, Sam." Just then, he nodded his head at Steve and Steve went back to me and he hugged me. He pull back a little and he leaned in to kiss me and I kissed him back, for what seems like an eternity.

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