47~Triple VI (FINAL)

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You were on the helicarrier while Sam and Steve are on the other. You entered the chip into the control.

"Alpha locked." You said as you went down. As you went down, someone tackled you and when you got a better view, you saw Bucky.

"Buck?" You said.

"I'm not Bucky!" And then, he started to attacked you. You got rid of him and you pressed the comms.

"Bucky's with me." You said. That alarmed Steve. 

"Try to get out of the helicarrier Y/N!" Steve said. 

"Trying but I can't." You began to ran towards the bridge of the helicarrier and called for Sam.

"Sam, I need a ride?" 

"Near you." You saw Sam and he went to you and he got you on your clothes and you looked at your back and saw Bucky's catching you. You got your gun and you shot Bucky.

"Sorry, Buck." You said and shot his way as Sam flew the both of you into the next helicarrier where Steve is. As the both of you lands, Sam went to fly again. As you ran, you called for Steve.

"Steve, where are you?" 

"At the control." 

"I'm coming to you." 

"Bravo locked." Sam said. When you were inside, you saw Steve and you ran towards him when you heard a gun shot. You were shocked at what you heard and when you looked down, you saw blood flowing out of your stomach. 

"Y/N!!" Steve shouted and you went to hold the railings but you were starting to blacked out when you fall from the railings but before you fell, you felt a hand holding your hand. You tried to open your eyes and saw Steve holding out to you and he is crying.

"No, don't let go sweetheart, okay?" He said while tears are falling down his eyes. Just then, you heard another gun shot and saw Steve got a shot at the stomach too. But he tightened his grip on you until, Bucky punched Steve and he kneeled Steve's gun shot and Steve almost lost his gripped on you. 

"No!!" Steve said. "Bucky, hey, please, don't do this to your best friends." Steve added.

"Who is Bucky?" Just then, Bucky elbowed Steve's face and Steve fell from the railings letting go of your hand. You fell on the glass and Steve did also. But, you fell unconscious from the fall that you had.

"Y/N?? Sweetheart!" Steve said as he leaped slowly into you. He got you into his arms when Bucky lashed out his anger at Steve. 

"You know me." Steve said.

"No, I don't!"

"Bucky, you've known me your whole life. Your name is James Buchanan Barnes."

"Shut up!!" Just then, Steve drop his shield.

"I'm not gonna fight you. You're my friend." Just then, Bucky brought Steve on the ground and he mercilessly punched Steve.

"You're my mission! You're my mission!!" Bucky said.

"Then finish it." Steve said but at that moment, a metal debris fell and crashed beside them and Steve and you fell on the river. You and Steve merged deep down the river until someone got you and Steve and brought you back at the shore. 

~At the hospital~

Steve woke up and he looked at his right and saw Sam reading a book.

"On your left." Steve said and tried to looked at the other side of him and saw no sign of you.

"Where's Y/N?" Steve asked.

"She's on the other room, still recovering from the shot she got. She isn't awake yet." Sam said.

"How is she?" 

"She's recovering but not yet awake. Natasha and Hill are there with her." Steve nodded his head and sighed deeply.

~After a day~ 

With the help of the serum, Steve got to healed faster than you. He was released from the hospital and he went straight to your room. He saw you fast asleep on your bed. He also saw Natasha with you. 

"Steve, you're out?" Natasha asked.

"Yeah. You can go home, I'll take care of her here." Natasha nodded her head and she held your hand and slightly tapped it with her palm. 

"I'm guessing, new friendship?" Steve asked. Natasha nodded and she smiled while looking at you.

"She's funny and witty. And I like her." Nat said as she went to the door and closed it behind her. Steve sat beside you and he held your hand in his and he kissed it.

"I love you sweetheart." Steve softly said. 

"I love you too.." You mumbled quietly. Steve shockingly looked at you and you slowly opened your eyes and looked at the direction of Steve.

"Hi!" You said. He smiled big and he went near your lips and he kissed it.

"Hey. You feeling better?" Steve asked.

"Not yet, but I feel weak and in pain. Guess it's the consequence of sleeping for over 70 years." You said and chuckled slightly. He also chuckled and he pecks your forehead.

"I'll take care of you.." He said. You nodded your head and smiled at him. You held his cheek and smiled big at him.

"Maybe we could plan the wedding after we settled things in order." You said.

"I love you so much!" Steve said and he kissed your lips for a good minute. You broke the kiss and you smiled deeply at him.

"I love you more sweetie!" You said.

~After a month~

"By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride." The priest told Steve and you looked at each other and smiled widely.

"It felt so great to marry you!" Steve said.

"Our dreams are now coming true!" You said.

"May we?" Steve asked.

"We may." Then, he slowly kissed your lips as your guests cheered for you. It felt so great to be married to the one who you truly love and finally, things went to the way it should be. By which means, you marrying Steve and having a dream come true. Last but not the least, his last dream is to have kids with you. The two of you can't wait for what the future holds between you two as husband and wife or should you say, Mr. and Mrs. Rogers. ;)

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