81~The Endgame 6

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~New Jersey, 1970~

Me, Steve and Tony are walking inside the military base.

"Clearly, you weren't born here, right?" Tony asked Steve.

"The idea of me was." Steve said.

"Right. Well, imagine you're SHIELD, running a quasi-fascistic intelligence organization. Where do you hide it?" Tony said.

"In plain sight." I said as I point at the block. Me, Steve and Tony are inside the elevator with a lady. The elevator went opened and Tony went out.

"Good luck on your mission, Captain and Agent." Tony told us.

"Good luck on your project, doctor." Steve said and I nodded my head in agreement. The door suddenly closed and the elevator lady starts to ask.

"You're new here?" She asked us.

"Not exactly." I said. Just then, the door opened, me and Steve went out and we proceeded on the empty room. I got his hand and we went inside and I got the telephone and contacted Hank Pym. The phone starts to ring and I gave it to Steve.

"Hello. Dr. Pym?... This is Captain Stevens from shipping. We have a package for you... Well, that's the thing, sir. We can't.. Well, it's just..Sir, the box is glowing and, to be honest, some of our mail guys aren't feeling that great..Yeah, they did. You better get down here." Steve put down the phone and he winked at me.

"You, Mr. Rogers are getting naughtier than ever." I said as he went near me and he held my waist.

"Really?" He said as he was smirking at me. I peck his lips and we heard Hank Pym, running and shouting. I opened the door and we went inside Hank Pym's room. Me and Steve are searching the Pym particle.

"I got it." I heard Steve and he got the particle in his pocket and we went out. While we are going out, we saw the lady again with two guards. I stopped in my tracks and pushed Steve in the room and I closed the door and I just held his mouth and I just listened if they passed us. When I heard that they're gone, I was about to open the door when Steve pulled me back and he kissed deeply but passionately in my lips. I put my arms around his neck and he went to wrapped his hands in my waist. I slowly broke the kiss and our foreheads touched and I opened my eyes and smiled at him.

"What was that for?" I asked silently.

"I just love you so much."

"I love you too honey." I said and he peck my lips one more time.

"Alright, let's go meet Tony and let's go home." I said and he nodded his head and we went out and met Tony outside. As me and Steve waits for Tony, I saw him with Howard.

"Steve, it's Tony with Howard." I said. Steve looked at Tony and Tony looked at us and Steve nodded at him and Tony pointed the case. After a couple of while, Tony went near us and we just hid in the corner and we put the coordinates in and we went back to the quantum.

~Present Time~

"Did we get them all?" Bruce asked.

"You telling me this'll actually work?" Rhodey asked. I looked at everyone and saw Nat is missing.

"Clint, where's Nat?" I asked. Clint kneeled on the floor and he looked at Bruce, to Steve and me. I felt tears are threatening to fall from my eyes and I went to Steve and held his waist and I put my head on his shoulder and silently cried.

~On the lake~

Me, Steve, Tony, Bruce, Clint and Thor are mourning on Nat's lost.

"Do we know if she had family?" Tony asked.

"Yeah. Us." Steve said as he rubbed my back for me to calm down.

"What?" Thor asked confusingly.

"I just asked him a question." Tony said.

"Yeah, you're acting like she's dead. Why are we acting like she's dead? We have the stones, right? As long as we have the stones, Cap, we can bring her back, isn't that right? So stop this shit. We're the Avengers, get it together." Thor said.

"We can't get her back." I said.

"Wha--what?" He asked as he looked at me. I stood up and looked at him as tears fell from my eyes.

"It can't be undone. It can't." I said. Thor only laughed at my answer.

"I'm sorry. No offense, but you're a very earthly being. Okay? We're talking about space magic. And 'can't' seems very definitive don't you think?" Thor said.

"Look, I know that I'm outside my paygrade here, but she still isn't here, is she?" I said.

"Now that's my point."

"It can't..be undone. Or that's at least what the, great floating guy had to say." Then Clint started to shout at Thor. "Maybe you wanna go talk to him? Okay? Go grab your hammer, and you go fly and you talk to him!" Then, Clint became sad and started to grief.

"It was supposed to be me. She sacrificed her life for that goddamned stone. She bet her life on it." Clint said. Everybody looked at Bruce when he started to throw the bench across the lake in anger.

"She's not coming back. We have to make it worth it. We have to." Bruce said.

"We will." Steve said as he stood up beside me and he held my hand.

~After a while~

Tony, Bruce and Rocket tries to study the stones. Me and Steve are staying on the lake with our costumes wearing.

"Honey?" I heard Steve called me and he kneel in front of me and he held my waist and he went near me. I tapped the seat beside me and he sat beside me. I hugged his side and I put my head on his shoulder and I just sighed deeply.

"Today's the day. We're gonna bring back the team." Steve said. I just nodded my head and I looked at him.

"I can't help but think if we still have some danger." I said.

"No matter what, we'll be fighting together." Steve said. I nodded my head and he kissed my forehead.

~At the Lab~

"All right. The glove's ready. Question is, who's gonna snap their freaking fingers?" Rocket said.

"I'll do it." Thor said and all of the boys are pushing Thor out of the gauntlet.

"Lightning won't help you Thor." I said.

"It's gotta be me." Bruce said.

"But Bruce, this are all gamma rays, are you sure you can handle it?" I asked.

"Your body only absorbed what the Tesseract gave you, but you cannot absorbed all the stones' energy. I can handle this, I was made for this." Bruce said.

"How do we know you will?" Steve asked Bruce.

"We don't. But the radiation's mostly gamma. It's like..uh..I was made for this." I went at the back of Steve as he protectively held his shield in front of us, while his other hand went into my waist.

"Good to go, yeah?" Tony asked.

"Let's do it." Bruce said. Bruce put his hand into the gauntlet and he kept on screaming because of the gamma that starts to go through his body, until he snapped his fingers. All of us went to him and checked on him.

"Guys... I think it worked." Scott said when the compound starts to blow up and I was thrown away from Steve. Just then, some of the debris went to hit my head and I fell unconscious

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