83~The Endgame 8

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We have been waiting here for about two hours. 

"Who can I talk to about Seth Rogers?" The doctor caught my attention. Me and Steve stood up and we both went to the doctor. 

"How's our son? Is he okay?" I asked trying not to choke, but it was a mistake as tears fell from my eyes. Steve just held my shoulders and rubbing it for me to calm down.

"There's bad news and good news. The good news is that, your son is alive and fine." I released a sigh knowing my son, our son is alive and better.

"The bad news is that, he will be wearing a leg cast for 2 months. He has a broken bone in the leg that made us operate him. But all in all, he's okay. The blood transfusion is also a success, he is now in his room in 412. You can now go meet him there. Congratulations." The doctor said as I shook his hand. 

"Thank you for saving my baby." I said. Steve and the doctor shook hands too.

"Thank you doctor." 

"Pleasure's all mine." The doctor said as he walked away. I went near the others and Steve got sleeping Stella from Bucky's arm. 

"Guys, you should get home and rest up." I told them.

"How's Seth?" Bucky asked.

"He's fine now. Me and Y/N will stay here for the kids." Steve said.

"Okay. You want me to bring you guys some things?" Ana asked.

"No thank you, Ana. You need to go home now. We can do this." Steve said. Ana nodded her head and all of them said their farewell and they went out. Me and Steve went inside Seth's room and saw my baby still sleeping. Steve laid Stella on the couch and I went near Seth and I kissed his forehead. 

"Hi honeybee, mommy, daddy and Stella are here for you baby. Just fight okay? We love you honeybee." I kissed his head again and I felt Steve went near us and he kissed Seth's head too. 

~After a while~ 

Me and Steve are sitting on the chair beside Stella and Seth. Their beds are beside each others.

"Did you put back the stones?" I asked Steve.

"Yeah, it went just fast because my mind is thinking about Seth's safety." I just nodded my head and I felt Seth and Stella began to squirm in their sleep. I went to Stella while Steve went near to Seth. Stella opened her eyes and I just smiled at her and I rubbed her arm.

"Is Seth awake?" She asked.

"Yep." She suddenly sat up and she went near Steve and Steve carried her and he let her sat beside Seth. I went near Steve and I leaned near him. 

~After an hour~

The four of us are just laughing and Steve telling some silly stories to the kids and the kids are happy. 

"Guys, can I talk to you first? I have something to tell you." I said. Steve crunched his eyebrows because he saw how serious I am.

"What wrong sweetheart?" Steve asked as he held my hand. 

"I'm gonna tell you straight guys." I said. The three of them looked so serious and they are eager to know what will I say.

"How do you feel about having another addition to our family?"

"What do you mean mommy?" Seth asked. Just then, Steve stood up shockingly and I stood up and he held my hands.

"Are you pregnant?" He asked.

"I'm 10 weeks pregnant Steve." I said and he punched his fist in the air and he immediately hugged me and he kissed my head.

"I love you so much baby." Steve said.

"What is pregnant?" Stella asked. 

"Don't you get it Stella! Mommy is going to have another baby!!" Seth said excitedly. 

"YEYYYY!!" The kids yelled.

"We have the best family." Steve said.

"I agree with you." I said as I kissed his lips.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~THE END~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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