27~The Fall

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I was just walking in front of a hospital to pay a visit to my grandfather who was just admitted to this hospital because of his heart attack and my whole family is there to visit him. I was just crossing the street when a fast truck pass and the truck hit me hard.

*Third Person's POV

Nurses and doctors are rushing Y/N to the operating room because of the severe injuries she had from the incident. While the doctors are starting on her, one nurse came rushing to Y/N's family in the ICU to tell the family about the news. When the nurse just arrived to Y/N's mom, she told Y/N's family and they got shocked and devastated. They ran towards the operating room and they waited for the doctor to come out. While they are waiting there, Y/N's uncle called Tony to tell the news.


"Avengers!" We heard Tony shouted and I looked at him and he's out of breath from running.

"What happened Tony?" I asked him.

"Y/N's uncle just called me right now and Cap, your fianceé just got into a rough accident. A fast truck hit her hard and the doctors are operating her right now!" Tony said and I just felt my whole world crush from the news.

"We need to go now." I said sternly and all the Avengers got inside Tony's car. I rode with Tony and he drove us to the hospital.

~After 5 minutes

We reached the hospital and we immediately ran to the operating room and we saw Y/N's family.

"What's the news?" I asked her family.

"We haven't got since she was ran here." Her mom said. I just sat on the chair and waited.

~After 1 hour~

A doctor came outside from the room and he went to us, we all stand and went near him.

"Doc, what happened to my daughter?" Y/N's mom said.

"Well, she's still in a critical condition and for now, she will be transferred to ICU room. I'll tell this straight to you, no beating the bushes here. Y/N has a life support on and she's 50/50 right now."

"What?" I said while I lost my balance a little. I felt Tony and Clint held me and I looked at the doctor.

"Here's the only decision I can give you. There's a slight chance of her survival, she can't live normally anymore. Her organs are starting to fail her, her strength are starting to let go. And if you decided to pull the plug, that's okay. Please think it over, we're going to bring her in the ICU. I will let you come inside with her." The doctor then went back inside the room and I immediately sat on the chair and held my head.

~ICU room~

The whole family left me alone with Y/N. I sat on her bed and held her hand in mine. I got her engagement ring in my other hand and I just looked at her sleeping face and her head was bandaged up from the hit and I can't help but cry.

"Hey sweetheart, I think you need to wake up. We still have a wedding to plan, don't leave me, okay? Everybody who loves me kept leaving me, I just don't want you to leave me like they did to me. I'll feel so devastated again. You're all I've got and I don't want to let you go. We still have plans, right? We gonna get married, have kids, have our own big house, fly around the world, like what you wanted. Just please, hold on sweetheart." I held her hand tight and I felt her move a finger, I looked at our hands and I wiped my tears and I looked at her.

"Steve, hi.." She softly said to me and I just smiled at her and I kissed her lips.

"Please, don't leave me okay? We can do this together." I told her.

"Steve, I can't.." I looked at her terrified and she just showed me her hurt smile.

"What are you taking about? We know we can do this.."

"I can't Steve. I can't live without a function. I can't, just try to let me go.."

"No, I don't want to.."

"Steve, you can, I saved all my energy to talk to you about this.. Just try to remember that I love you so much no matter what happens." I felt my tears fell down and I just hugged her tightly. I broke the hug and kissed her lips longer than what felt like forever. Just then, I heard her ECG dropped into a flat line.


"Everyone, let's do 200.." The doctor said and there were two nurses pushed me outside the room of ICU.

"No! I need her!" I told the nurses while trying my best to push myself out of their grip.

"Hey man, hey, calm down.." I heard Tony got me and he pulled me to a near chair and the whole Avengers sat beside me and they tried to rubbed my back.

"She--she flat lined on me, Tony.. I can't lose her.." I felt tears stream down my face and I put my hands on my eyes and let my tears fell.

"I'm sorry Cap, that's life. I know it's unfair because you're just starting a life as a family man, besides your job as a hero, but maybe it was destiny. We can't tell how we're going to die. Good people die young, like her. She's a good person inside and out and I know it's hurting inside you, also us. She always believe in one thing, heaven exists. Therefore, I conclude that I start to believe her now, you know why Cap, it's because she's going there and she's going to watch us from above and she's going to watch us save the Earth and do stupid things in our life." Tony said. I looked at him and I just showed my hurt smile.

"You know what Steve, she's happy right now. I know that for sure. I know her.." Natasha said while she's nodding her head.

"Thanks for the comfort guys, but it doesn't do anything to me right now. All I want is her to be here beside me. I'm sorry." I said as I stood up and went away from them.

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