32~The Sokovia V

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I woke up in a bright light. I slowly opened my eyes from the brimming light and slowly adapt the surrounding light. After recovering of my eyes, I looked at my room and I began to familiarize my sight and I am in the hospital room right now with a lot of cables that are connected in me. I suddenly see Steve in my right side and he's sitting in the chair holding my hand and he is asleep while his head is resting on the railing of my head bed. I rubbed my thumb on his hand and tried to squeezed it a little. Just then, I felt him shift in his sleep. He suddenly sat properly and rubbed his tired eyes. He looked at me and his eyes went wide and he sat on my bed and he held my hand with his hand and he went to kiss me on my lips and my forehead. In a little while, we broke the kiss and I weakly smiled at him.

"How are you sweetheart?" He asked.

"I'm still fine.. What happened?" I asked him.

"Well, you had a wound and blood came out from your wound and while we're at the boat you fell unconscious and we brought you to the infirmary and they tried to stitch you up. Natasha saw your wound and she told me that when she was getting you, she saw that blood is rushing out of you and you have an open wound. She sprayed your wound in case there's a fighting. But, overall, you're now better and just needed some rest."

"How long was I out?"

"56 long hours." Steve said as he kissed my hand.

"I miss you so much." He said sincerely and I just smiled at him.

"I missed you more and I love you too much."

"I love you too, my love." He pecks my lips and we started to giggle.

~After 1 week~

Me, Steve and Natasha went out of the door and saw the other Avengers: Wanda, Rhodey, Sam and Vision. They looked at each other and Steve went to looked at me and he signed me to come near him. So I did went near to him and we intertwined our hands.

"Avengers!" Steve said and I looked at them seriously.

"Welcome.." Steve said and I smiled at them and they cheered and I just laughed at Sam.

"I guess Sam won't sleep for the rest of the night.." I told Steve and he just giggled at me. He put my hand into his back and he pulled me and he kissed my temple and I looked at him.

"I guess so.." He said and the both of us laughed.

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