46~Triple V

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Morning came and Steve brought you to his new friend's house, Sam. Sam gave you and Steve some spare room, while Nat had the other room. You got the towel and got to wipe the dirt that's on your body. You removed your jacket and you had your grey undershirt and you wet your hair and you dried it up with the towel. As you look at the mirror, you saw Steve starring at you with a smile on his face. You got out of the bathroom and went to the bedroom and saw Steve sits on the bed and you sat beside Steve. 

"How are you feeling?" He asked. 

"Just glad that I woke up from the chamber." You said.

"I'm glad we've searched the room before we have explode." He said as he grabbed your hand with the ring on it. 

"We're still doing this wedding right?" He asked. You nodded your head and he smiled and went to kiss your lips. He broke the kiss and he smiled at you while he grabbed your cheek in his hand and you leaned in his touch.

"I miss you so much." He said.

"I missed you too, Stevie.. I love you so much." You said.

"I love you more sweetheart." 

"I made you breakfast.. if you eat that sort of thing.." We both looked at Sam and he walked out. I looked at Steve and smiled. 

"How did you two meet?" You asked as he stood up and held your hands and he helped you stand. The both of you walked out hand-in-hand to the kitchen.

"Just a couple of days ago while I did some run and we both competed." You laughed at Steve and when you arrived at the kitchen, he pulled a chair for you and you sat on the chair and he pulled a chair and sat closely to you.

After a couple of hours, the four of you along with Sitwell driving on the car. When somebody lands on the car roof and Sitwell was pulled from the window. Natasha gave you a gun and she held another one and you went to Steve's lap and held the gun to you. Just then, you saw a man in the front of you. You targeted the man but you lost the gun when another car crashes into you. Sam went to the back seat and Steve told him to break the car door and held Nat close to him while Steve is with you. Steve breaks the car door and you held tightly to him. 

Just then, some men came down and before he shoots all of you, you got a gun from your back and shot the man's goggles. You stood up and went down the bridge along with Natasha. Fighting gets harder and harder. You found out that the man with the metal arm was called the Winter Soldier. Just then, Natasha thought of a great idea to make the Winter Soldier distracted. Until he rolled a bomb, that's when you and Nat attacked the Winter Soldier. The Winter Soldier punched you in the face that made you a reason to get dizzy. Natasha got shot and you silently saw Steve coming to him and they both attacked each other. Steve went down and you went up and helped him fight. Steve attacked the Winter Soldier until the man flew and his mask was removed. You went near Steve and the both of you breathe deeply but your breathing stopped when the man turned to you and you saw that the Winter Soldier is Bucky. You walked a little closer but you stopped walking. 

"Bucky?" Steve said.

"Buck, it is you!" You said shockingly.

"Who the hell is Bucky." Bucky said as an explosion burst into the car beside him. Steve went beside you and shielded you both. But when you looked out, he was no longer there. Then, STRIKE came and you didn't moved because you were still shocked from what happened. Until you were handcuffed along with Steve. 

You were now riding the van and you were silent about the incident. Steve is sitting beside you and you put your head on his shoulder and he put his head on top of yours. Until Sam noticed the blood from Nat's shoulder. Until all of you were saved by another agent whom they call Agent Hill.

We arrived at the safe place and we got down and Steve held me into his arms and we went inside and there we saw another director. 

"There you are." The man laying on the bed said. 

"Who's these?" He asked Steve.

"That's Sam Wilson and this is Agent--"

"Agent (Y/L/N). It's nice meeting you in the flesh. I am SHIELD Director Nick Fury, you can call me Fury or whatever you like, because you're the boss of all." Fury said as he offered a hand to shake. You went near him and shook his hand.

"Pleasure's all mine sir." You said.

"Ahh.. Just like Captain. Good ole forties in here. No need to sir me ma'am." 

"Please, no need for formalities. But, can you explain what really happens here after I left SHIELD." You said. Just then, Fury explained everything he knew to you. Everything that is happening with SHIELD is a lot far from what agency you've been expecting. While he's explaining, you stood from your chair and you excused yourself. You went outside, on the bridge for a great fresh air. 

"It's a nice view, isn't it?" You heard Steve's voice.

"Yeah it is. Modernization is very futuristic than before." You and Steve chuckled.

"Yeah, me too. But, I like it here." 

"Yeah, me too, as long as I'm with you."

"We'll be fine." Steve went near you and gave you a hug.

"I love you sweetheart." Steve said.

"I love you more Stevie.." You replied while cherishing the moment.

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