121~Chris Evans

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I have been living in Boston for almost 2 years. I am currently living with my best friend/room mate, Veronica. While living in Boston, I accidentally bumped with the famous, Chris Evans. We became friends and into close friends. Until 5 months ago, Chris asked me to be his girlfriend. And so I did accepted his love proposal. After a week of being in a relationship with him, I let him get to know my family via FaceTime. My family is currently living in the Philippines and they got shocked to know that I am dating my celebrity crush. But, they accepted Chris and they also gave him a warning to never, never hurt me physically, mentally and emotionally. About his family? Well, I already met them when me and Chris are still best friends. But, I also met them after me and Chris starts dating. 

Today, I am hosting a small reunion gathering for my Senior High School classmates. I attended my senior high at the Philippines. And currently, some of my friends are working and living near me. So, I hosted a small reunion gathering for us in me and Veronica's house and glad to know that they're coming. I also invited Chris to the party and he came extra early today to help me and Veronica prepare some dinner later. 

When everything is complete and fully prepared, I went to my room for me to freshen up myself and get myself ready. After a couple of hours, I heard a knock on my bedroom door. Me and Chris are watching Friends episode in my Netflix. I paused the episode and I went to the door and when I opened it, I saw Veronica.

"Hey Y/N, all your friends are on the backyard already." Veronica said.

"Alright. Thank you so much. Me and Chris will be down in a sec." I said.

"Sure." Veronica said and she went downstairs. I faced Chris and smiled brightly at him.

"They're downstairs already." I said. 

"Great. Then, let's go." Chris said as he went to me and he held my hand and intertwined it with him.

"Sweetheart, are you sure it's okay for them to know that I'm dating you?" I asked him just to clarify things.

"Yes sweetheart. I'm very sure about it and I don't care if they knew it or not. I love you okay?" He said as he peck my lips.

"I love you too. Let's go!" I said and I opened the door and the both of us went downstairs and into the backyard. When I saw my friends, they all looked at me and their faces were like they saw a ghost. I looked at Chris and the two of us chuckled at their reactions. 

"Hi guys!" I said. 

"Y/N!" They said at the same time as they wave at me. My girl friends came near me and hugged me. As they sat, I get to introduced them to Chris. 

"Guys, this is Chris, you know him, the Captain America in Marvel. He's my boyfriend. Chris meet everybody." I said and I introduced Chris to each and everyone until I ended the introduction to my ex, Philip.

"Chris, this is Philip. Philip, this is Chris." I said.

"Hey man." Chris said as they shake hands.

"Hey Y/N, why didn't you say anything more to Philip?" My best friend, Andrew, teased.

"He's my friend and classmate, all of you guys too.." I said and the boys started to do a teasing sounds. 

"Chris, did you know that Philip is an ex-boyfriend of Y/N?" Von, one of the boys, said. Me and Chris looked at each other and I just rubbed his arm.

"You guys keep on teasing the two of them. That was more than 10 years already.." Patricia said.

"Yeah, don't worry Chris, they just like to tease Y/N and Philip." Nikki said.

"I'm not worried at all. I trust my girlfriend enough." Chris said as he looked at me and he kissed my forehead. I smiled big at his action and he winked at me. 

So, me and Chris sat down on the chair and we saw that the chairs that are vacant are between Philip and Nikki. I was about to sit when Chris sat first on the chair beside Philip and left me a chair between Chris and Nikki. I sat on the vacant chair and I saw Chris put his chair really close to me and he put his arm around me and he let his hand placed on my waist. While Chris held my hand on his free hand. Me and my friends started to talk about some adult stuff and we also reminisced our memories when we were still in high school. We laughed and we also shed some tears because we kept on laughing. I sensed Chris' grip tightened a little and he can't help but give me a little kisses on my head. 

It was now dinner time, everybody got a plate and they started getting their foods on the table. I pulled Chris far from everybody and I held his cheeks in my hands and let him look at me directly in my eyes. 

"Baby, you seem to be tensed. Is it because I didn't tell you about him?" I said referring to my ex. 

"It's not your fault sweetheart." 

"Then, why are you tensing? You're jealous, aren't you?" He didn't respond on my question and he just rolled his eyes and I just chuckled. I put my arms around him and hugged him as I looked at him. He instinctively hugged me and he pressed a long kiss on my head. 

"I can't help baby.." He admitted.

"Ha! You're jealous.." I teased him as I broke the hug while holding his waist. He sighed loudly and rolled his eyes at me and starts to walk away. "Hey, don't!" I said as I grabbed his arm and pulled him near me.

"Stop with the teasing.." He whined.

"Alright. I'm sorry sweetheart, it's just that--you look so cute when you're so jealous." I said and he snickered at me.

"I hate you.." 

"You could never hate me sweetheart, you love me more.." I said.

"Yeah you're right. I love you more than anything in this world." He said and I smiled brightly at him and I peck his lips.

"There's my baby. Where have you been?!" I said and he laughed at me.

"Just here baby.." He said and he kissed my lips longer. 

"I love you too." I said in between the kisses.

"Come on, let's eat." I said as I grabbed his arm and pulled him towards the food.

"I just had my dinner." He whispered in my ear and I slightly elbowed his chest. 

"You naughty baby.." I commented.

"Your only naughty baby." He said as he gave me a plate.

"That's right! Mine only.." I said as I winked at him and he laughed at me. The whole night, everybody enjoyed this small gathering. We all had pictures and I let them have a picture with Chris. After that, they all went home, me and Chris helped in clearing up the backyard and he did the dishes. After we cleared up everything, it was past 1 am. Chris grabbed my hand and he brought me up in my room. 

"Can you stay here with me?" I said.

"Of course sweetheart, for you." He said as we both lay down on the bed. I went near his chest and lay on it as we both cuddled. 

"Did you have fun tonight, sweetie?" He asked.

"Yes sweetheart. It was so fun reminiscing and I had a lot of fun." 

"Yeah, I can see it in your face that you're enjoying the night."

"You did?" I asked as I looked at his face and he smiled lovingly at me.

"Yes. And I can look at your face every time and seeing you very happy, I'm also happy too." He said. 

"Awwee.." I said and I went near him and gave him a long kiss on the lips.

"And I love you so much." Chris said.

"I love you too sweetheart." I said and I put my head on his neck and we cuddled each other until we fell asleep.

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