30~The Sokovia III

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We are now back at the compound of the Avengers and I am still staying in Steve's room, sitting on his bed and looking at the window.

"Hey.." I heard Steve's voice and I looked at his direction and saw him on his door frame with his arms crossed on his chest.

"Hi.." I said and smile a little.

"What are you thinking?" He said as he went beside me, sat on my back and he wrapped his arms on my waist and he put his chin on my shoulder.

"Nothing, I just figured that Tony is maybe right, I'm just not good enough to be an Avenger."

"Hey, don't think about Tony's words, he'll come around."

"Do you think, I can still work with you guys after what happened?" I said as I looked at him.

"Hey, I'm the leader of this team, and you're suitable to be part of this team whether Tony likes it or not." He said and he peck my lips and kissed my nose. I went near him and I put my head on his neck and cuddled with him.

"I love you so much." He suddenly said.

"I love you too." I responded. We just stayed with that kind of position and it felt like eternity.

~After a couple of hours~

"What do you know about Ultron's plan?" Tony said as he interrogated me and the twins. The whole Avengers are sitting on the couch in the living room.

"Ultron wanted a human extinction in the whole Universe." Wanda said.

"And he has stored some of his information in the craft that you had just recovered." I said.

"That craft was the reason why Natasha was kidnapped by the robots!" Tony said.

"Hey! It was not our fault that it happened to her.." Wanda said.

"Hey Witchita, would you stop." Tony said.

"Hey, don't talk to my sister like that!" Pietro said in response.

"Stop with the bitchy response, because I'm not talking to you." Tony said angrily.

"Hey! Stop this! We cannot defeat Ultron if we kept on fighting!" Steve said as he stood up and held Tony in his chest for him to stop.

"Everyone, I've got Natasha's location." Clint said as he ran to us and went back to his computer.

"So, where is she?" Bruce asked.

"Sokovia." Clint answered.

"Then, we've got to go." Steve said. Everyone went to their different direction and I just sat on the couch and I held my face.

"You okay?" I heard Steve's voice. I looked up and saw him sit beside me.

"You need to go on, Steve.."

"What about you?"

"I can't.." Just then, he held my hand and he kissed it.

"We'll do this together, okay?" He said.

"Tony's not okay with it."

"I want you beside me and that's an order." He said and I just sighed deeply and smiled at him.

"What happens if I follow your instruction?"

"Well, I'm fighting with you beside me. It will felt so good and I will protect you.." I went near him and kissed his lips. I held his cheek in my hand and kissed him deeply.

"Let's tell them to meet us in the jet." He said and we stood up and we held each other's hand and we went to the lab. And we saw Thor shot some lightning on the craft.

"No.." I whispered and I held Steve's arm.

"No Thor!" Steve said. Just then, Thor came down from the craft and the craft opened and a robot came out and he looked at us.

~After the Vision thing~

"Miss Y/N, I think you're not feeling okay?" I heard Vision said as he sat beside me on the kitchen.

"How do you know that?" I said while looking at my water glass.

"I can detect human's reaction by their moves and expression."

"Well, you maybe got me there." I said.

"Why are you feeling down?"

"Tony won't accept me here. I know I have betrayed them but it was for their own purposes as to why I did that to them."

"I understand, Tony was trying his best to process everything. He accepts you, it's just that he was scared to lose you again in the team."

"I know. Thanks Vision."

"You're welcome Miss Y/N. If you want to talk, I'm just here." I just nodded my head and took a sip from my glass of water. I put the empty glass on the sink. Just then, I saw Tony came and I was about to leave when I felt Tony held my arm.

"Could we maybe talk?" He said as I looked at him. I just nodded my head and I leaned my back on the counter top and crossed my arms on my chest and I just looked at the ground.

"Look, I may have said some hurting words, I just can't believe what just happened." He said.

"Cut the chase, Tony. I know you. I know I hurt you and the whole team, not just hurt but I let you down and disappoint you guys. But, I'm thinking of staying out of the team." I said as I looked at him directly into his eyes.

"I know that you stayed out of the team but--"

"I'm staying out, permanently." I cleared it to him and he was so shocked at what I had just said.

"What??" He said.

"You heard me right, Tony."

"Why? Is it because of what I had just said to you and the twins?"

"It was never been us, Tony. We were tricked and all but I hope it will be a little light for you guys to work at each other without me." I said as tears threatened to fall from my eyes. I looked down at the ground and I let go of my arms and I just rubbed my hands on my pants and looked at Tony.

"I can't do this, Tony. Just make sure the twins stays out of the danger." I said and I just grabbed my phone on the counter and went to the door and before I left, Tony called me.

"Does Steve knows this?" I just looked at him and just showed my hurt smile.

"He doesn't need to know." I just went out and closed the door behind me. Then, I hurriedly went to my car on the basement parking and I went out of the compound.

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