10~Fight (3) FINAL

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~After 5 days~

"God, we thank you for the life that you give us. It is full of work and of responsibility, of sorrow and joy. Today, we thank you for Y/N, for what she has given and received. Help us in our mourning and teach us to live for the living in the time that is still left to us. Thank you for eternal life that can give light and joy to our days and years already here on Earth. God, we thank you for your Son, Jesus Christ. Help us to see that it is He, who opens the gate to the life that shall never die. O Lord God, who has created us and called us to come home to you, give us hearts of wisdom, that we may understand how short life is and thus receive every new day as a gift. Give us a living faith in your Son, Jesus Christ, who suffered death for our sins, who rose from the grave to give us a hope and who lives forever. Teach us daily to die from sin and to live according to your holy will. At the moment of our death, make us ready to depart in peace. And when the eternal day of resurrection dawns upon the graves of the earth, grant us grace to rise to eternal life." The Priest said. 

Right now, it's Y/N's burial day. That shot made her die. My tears suddenly fell and I held my closed eyes and cried in front of my girlfriend's coffin, that's about to be buried. I felt Bucky pat my shoulder and I put down my hand and looked at the flower on my hand. It's a (favorite color) (favorite flower) , Y/N's favorite flower. Beside the coffin is a picture of Y/N, with a set of burial flowers. The priest went near to her coffin.

"Give her, o Lord, your peace and let your eternal light shine upon her." The priest said. 

"We're going to open the casket for the last view of her before we buried her on her final resting place." The priest said. Then, there were two guys who lift the casket and I saw Y/N's pale face. I went near her coffin. I put my hand on the glass of her coffin and cried. I put my arm on the glass and put my head on top of it and cried. I felt Wanda and Bucky came near me and they rubbed my back. I looked at Y/N and placed my hand in the glass.

"I told you not to leave me, Y/N.. Why??" I said while crying. Just then, Buck pulled me away from the coffin and he signed the men to close it. While, they're closing it, I can't help but cry so much.

"I need her.." I softly said to Bucky and Wanda.

"She's in the good place, Steve.." Bucky said and I stopped and Bucky hugged me and I cried on his shoulder. The coffin is now lowering and Buck led me back to our chairs and I sat down and cried.

~After 10 mins~

The other visitors went home already, but I'm still here. I put the flower on top of the pile of dirt on Y/N's grave. 

"I can't believe I lost you again. This time, I can't have you back again, forever. I disappoint you Y/N. If I hadn't been so stupid before, then we won't be able to reach in this situation. I'm so sorry Y/N, I'm so so sorry.. I didn't told you how much I love you, how much I needed you and how much I wanted you in my life. I wished I could turn back time, I wished to turn it right. I won't leave you and I won't disappoint you.. I hate myself for doing this to you, I hate losing the person who ruled my world, and that is you.. Now, I don't have anybody.. I don't have my world with me.. It's because I lost you.. Please show me a sign.." I cried my eyes out again and I just looked up at the sky. 

"Steve?" I heard a girl's voice. I know that voice. I looked at my back and saw Y/N in white.


"Hi Steve.." Just then, I cried my eyes out and fell on my knees. Just then, I felt her hand and she wiped my tears and she lift my chin to looked at her. She showed me her sympathy smile.

"Don't mourn on me, so much.." 

"No.. I lost you again and I don't know what to do now that you're gone.."

"Continue to save other people's life, be part of the Avengers."

"It's not the same, Avengers won't be the same without you."

"Avengers won't be the same if you're not part of it. Steve, that doesn't mean I'm dead, you'll also stop saving the world. Just imagine many people's life, depending on the Avengers. With what you guys have, you'll be able to defeat anyone who tries to wreck humanity."

"I can't.. I don't want to work with Stark and Rhodey anymore.."

"No, you can. Forgive them, please.. They didn't mean to kill me. They were trying to protect me, but I can't stand them killing you." I just nodded my head and tears kept falling out.

"I love you so much Y/N, and I'm sorry for--"

"Shh, Steve.. I forgave you. I love you more Steve and just move forward and try to remember our good memories together for the past 2 years of us being together." I nodded my head and smiled at her.

"Now that I removed the bitterness in your heart, it's time for me to go.."

"What?! Please don't.."

"Steve, I'll be in your heart forever. Just keep moving forward.."

"I love you so much Y/N.."

"I love you more, my Captain. Go on, and save the world for me."

"I will.." Just then, I felt her kiss my cheek and she suddenly disappear. I stood up and went to proceed in the car with Bucky, who's waiting for me on the car.

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