45~Triple IV

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"I found you."

"Steve, she's sleeping. According to the controls." Natasha said to Steve. As Steve went towards the chamber and looked at the controls and back to his fianceé. 

"Can you open the chamber?" Steve asked. 

"Yeah, this is just some basic codes." Just then, a light sound was heard and the coldness from the chamber stopped and the door of the chamber opened. You sleepily wiggle because of no support, so you fell to the ground but Steve immediately caught you in his arms. 

"I got you sweetheart." He said softly as he brushes your cold forehead. 

"We can heat her up Steve if you want to wake her up from her--70 years of sleep." Natasha said. 

"70 years? Almost like me when I slept on ice." He said confusingly. "But why?" He added. He got your hand and he saw your engagement ring still on your finger. Steve smiled brightly and he chuckled.

"I love you sweetheart." He whispered as he place a sweet kiss on your forehead. 

"Let's heat her up." Steve said as he carried you. He placed you on the table and Natasha pulled out a lamp. She turned it on and she put the light near you. After a little while, Natasha noticed that your chest is now going up and down, meaning you are now breathing on your own. 

"Steve, she's breathing." 

"Yeah, I know. It's been so long since I saw her." 

"I remember her. She's the best agent SHIELD ever had, besides Agent Carter. She, Howard Stark, Agent Carter and Colonel Chester Philips build SHIELD and they were the best into it. But, right after you crashed into the ice, she was declared missing. Stark, Philips and Carter declared that she died because after a couple of weeks of your death, some remaining HYDRA agent are tracking Agent Y/N down to kill her. It became war in New York. I don't know the story after that." Natasha said. Tears formed again on Steve's eyes and he held your hand in his and he kissed it multiple times. 

"I'm sorry this happened to you sweetheart." He said.

"Are you somehow related?" Natasha said.

"We are. We were best friends but when she and Bucky joined the army, I admitted my feelings to her. Then, I enlist on the army and we saw each other before I had the test. Then, after some time, we became more serious with our relationship. Bucky and his troops went missing for a couple of days and I went to save their troops from Red Skull. We had a celebration about me for saving the whole infantry and that's when I asked her to marry me. We planned to do the wedding after the war, but it never happen--"

"Because you crash in the ice?" 

"Yeah.." Just then, Steve felt your fingers twitching. He looked at you and you tried to open your eyes slowly. When you got to open your eyes, you saw a lady and Steve. 

"Steve?" You said softly.

"Yes sweetheart, it's me.. I'm so glad that you're alive!" Steve hugged you and you slowly hugged him tightly and you felt tears formed in your eyes and your tears fell from your eyes. Steve broke the hug and he cupped your cheeks and he leaned in and kissed your lips. You were so sure that you weren't dreaming of kissing his lips again but, you were definitely in reality. You kissed him back. He broke the kiss and helped you sit up. You slowly sat on the table and got to hold your stomach in slight pain from being in cold for 70 years. You saw the woman went out of the room to give you some privacy.

"You're alive? How did it happen?" You confusingly asked.

"They found me in the ice and they recovered me and they said that I am still alive. When I first open my eyes, the first thing that came across my mind is you. They couldn't tell me where were you. A lot has happened since the first time I woke up again and we missed a lot for the both of us. I terribly miss you so much sweetheart."

"I missed you so much more Stevie.. I thought I lost you forever." You said as you hugged him tightly and cried at his shoulders.

"I thought I lost you too. But now you're here with me. I want to do everything that we haven't done." Steve said as he broke the hug.

"I can't wait to marry you Stevie.." 

"Me too sweetheart." You leaned into his lips and kissed him. You both shared a sweet kiss and you broke the hug and smiled at him. 

"We have to do something first. We have a coordinates to tell us about the Project Insight. Let's go." Steve said. You put your arm on his neck and he held your waist and he helped you walk at the main controls. You along with the girl that you learned the name Natasha, went towards the room. As the three of you walk, Steve and Natasha explained to you the reason of this war.

"This is SHIELD." Natasha said as the three of you walked inside. You saw four picture frame posted on the wall. You let go of Steve's grip and went into the wall.

"Who's the other girl?" Natasha asked.

"That's Agent Carter. The two men were Howard Stark and Colonel Chester Philips." Steve said.

"Howard Stark as in the father of Tony Stark?" You looked at Natasha.

"Howard has a son?" You asked and chuckled.

"Yeah.." Steve said. Then, all of you went down again and saw a lot of ancient machine and a big monitor. You went there and Nat put the USB on the port and she typed something on the keyboard.

"Rogers, Steven. Born, 1918. (Y/L/N), (Y/F/N). Born, 1920. Romanoff, Natalia Alianovna. Born, 1984." Then you saw a camera moves at your direction and somewhat you were familiar with the voice.

"It's some kind of a recording." Natasha said.

"I am not a recording, Fraulein. I may not be the man I was when the Captain took me prisoner in 1945. But I am.." 

"Arnim Zola." You said before a picture of him was seen through the screen.

"It can't be.." You said. 

"Yes, it CAN be.." Zola said.

"How did you get here?" I asked.

"Invited." He replied.

"It was Operation Paperclip after World War II. SHIELD recruited German scientists with strategic value." Natasha said.

"They thought I could help their cause. I also helped my own." Zola said.

"HYDRA died with the Red Skull." Steve said.

"Cut off one head, two more shall take its place." Zola replied.

"Prove it." Steve said. Then, he showed to all of you what happened after the World War II. Just then, Steve got angry and he smashes the computer but then, Zola voiced out again.

"Steve, we got a bogey. Short range ballistic. 30 seconds tops." Natasha said. Just then, the door closed and then Steve threw his shield but it didn't work. You looked around and saw a small opening from the ground.

"Guys." You got their attention and Steve pulled the metal aside and both you and Natasha jumped and Steve jumped just in time for the explosion. Steve held onto you tightly and he uses his shield to protect the three of you from the falling debris. But you felt unconscious from the dust and debris. You lay on Steve's shoulder. A little later, Steve pushed his shield out from the rock and he woke Natasha up and she woke up immediately and Steve let her hold his shield and he carried you in his arms and went out before the STRIKE team came.

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