43~Triple II

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After a couple of days, you haven't heard anything from Steve since he went to search for Bucky. You were in the tent with the colonel when you heard a commotion going outside and some of them are running towards the commotion. You and the colonel went out and went to the commotion. That commotion you saw is that Steve came back along with Bucky on his side and the whole 107th infantry. Steve and Bucky reached towards you and the colonel. You smiled big at the both of them and the colonel looked at you and you nodded your head to him.

"Give these men some medical attention because they're gonna need it." Steve said.

"Captain, you have disobeyed my direct orders. But, you save 400 lives and I won't let you have the punishment." The colonel walked back and you went near to Steve.

"You aren't keeping in touch with us, you made me worried so much.." Then, he let you see his walkie talkie that's been damage from the war.

"I'm sorry. But now, I fulfilled my promise to come back to you." You went near him and hugged him so tightly. Steve held you in his arms and he kissed your head. You broke the hug and saw Bucky smiling at you.

"Hey doll.." He said as you went to hug him and you broke the hug and went beside Steve and hugged his waist.

"Steve told me about you two.. I'm just happy for the both of you." Bucky said as he smiled widely.

"Thank you Buck for understanding." You said.

"Thank you Buck." Steve said.

"When can I see little Steve and little Y/N running around the house?" Bucky teased you and Steve as the both of you looked at each other and blushed very hard.

"Not until marriage." You told.

"Yeah, I agree." Steve said and the both of us smiled.

Evening came and there were some meeting for Steve and the rest. As you look for Steve, you saw him sitting in a table and the girl is trying to flirt with him. Just then, the girl kissed Steve and before you walked towards them, you saw Steve stopped the girl.

"I am with someone now and I won't try and ruin it. Please respect that I love someone with all of my heart." With Steve's words, your heart melts.

"Captain." You called. Then, Steve looked at you wide eyes.

"We're waiting for you." You said as you walked away and you heard Steve's footsteps rushing in front of you. He stopped the both of you and you can see the expression of fear rushed in him.

"Sweetheart, you saw it wrong. That girl went to me and flirted with me and---" You put your finger in his lips and he remained quiet. You gave him some tissue for him to wipe his mouth from the lipstick stained in his lips.

"Wipe your lips, I don't want to see stain of lipstick in your lips unless it's me." You walked past him and he immediately wiped it and he threw it beside the trash can and he rushed towards you and stopped you again.

"Sweetheart, will you forgive me?"

"Steve, honey. I'm not mad at you for anything. You didn't do that, I saw her went to you while flirting and she kissed you and you stopped her and told her how much you don't want to ruin your relationship with me and how much you love me." You said as you smiled at him.

"So come on and cheer up, don't think about it, okay? And thank you for not breaking my heart." You went near him and you kissed his lips. He kissed you back and you both smiled at the kiss.

"I love you so much sweetheart and I won't break your heart. That I promise you." He said.

"I love you too my love. Now, let's get to the meeting." You said as you held his hand and you both went into the meeting. Steve begins to recruit the Howling Commandos and Bucky to be part of his team in defeating HYDRA. The next morning, Stark tried a new upgrade on Steve's shield. The both of us are looking at Steve's new shield but something caught him. A shield that is the shaped of circle that is made up of vibranium.

"What do you think about it?" Steve asked you and he had a genuine smile while handling his shield. You saw a gun in the table and you shot the shield twice and Steve shielded himself and he looked so shocked.

"It fits just right." You told him and you put the gun down and went to walked back to the station.

"Sweetheart! Wait!" Steve called and he walked beside me and he held your waist while you walked.

"Why did you do that?" Steve asked.

"I just tried if it's really strong." You smiled at him and he stopped for a while and you stopped and looked at your back. He then shake his head and smiled at you.

"I can't believe! Even though we're 4 months together, you still make me shocked at you and I still can't believe I've got my best gal in the world." You point your finger and signed him to come. He went to you and you put your arms on his neck, he puts his arms on your waist and you kissed his lips. You broke the kiss and the both of you smiled widely.

"And I still can't believe that I got the best man and the best captain in the world and you only belongs to me, not to anyone." I just wink at him and proceeded to the meeting.

After a couple of hours, the whole gang of soldiers celebrated the coming back of 107th infantry. The Howling Commandos, Bucky, Steve and you. They are drinking their beers. You didn't drink with them cause you hate beers.

"Hey Steve, when are you planning to marry Agent (Y/L/N)?" Bucky asked. You just blushed at Bucky's question and you just smiled and looked at Steve. And he's showing a ring at you and he's kneeling down beside you. You put your hands on your mouth and got shocked as tears fall down.

"I wanna marry her after the war. I just don't know how to ask you properly, but here I am, kneeling in front of you and asking you to marry me. Y/N sweetheart, I loved you since the beginning of our friendship. I have loved you when I first laid my eyes on you. You have been there for me before the serum and you never treated me like the other bullies who discriminate me and hit me, but you showed me how to love and you cared for me so much. But now, I'll be the one to protect you, to love you and to care for you. I stole your heart and all you've got to do is say yes in stealing my last name. Sweetheart, will you marry me?" Tears kept falling down as you nodded your head.

"Yes, I'll marry you Stevie.." The whole squad and the soldiers who was watching cheered for the two of you. Steve got your hand and he put the ring in your finger and he kissed your knuckles and you leaned into him and kissed his lips. You broke the kiss and you hugged him and cried at his neck.

"I love you so much my love." You softly said while smiling.

"I love you more sweetie." Steve said.

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