65~Catch up?

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Me and Steve are currently happy with our on-going 3-year relationship. He is still saving the Earth from danger threat while me, I'm just working as the COO of my father's company. We, at the company, are very stressful at the moment. Our business is all about music industry. We are the one making an artist known worldwide for their talent. But, every business has it's own trials, specially family ones. 

I have a step-sister named Laura and she's a devil one. I had a step-sister when my father remarries again to my devil step-mother, Sarah. My mother died in a fatal heart attack because of dad is cheating on her. My mother owns the position as the COO, so my mom passed the position to me. 3 months later, my dad married my devil step-mother and he gave her a position as the CEO of the company, while my step-sister is now the CEO's secretary. Dad and I feud about that but he was too blinded by his love. 

After 7 months, dad died because of drug overdosed. Dad didn't left a last will so the company's CEO is still Sarah. After dad died, I have nobody left to me except for Steve. Since dad died, there will always an issue between me, Sarah and Laura that it becomes everyday gossip in the office. Until one time, I learned that Sarah taught dad how to use drugs and told him to use it on a daily basis that cause him to die. There were police and judges involved but Sarah made sure that she remains innocent. Steve is always beside me when times like this happened. But, there's also a time that me and Steve have our own problems.

It was late evening and I was on my way home from office. I reached me and Steve's house and I went straight to the house. When I opened the main door, I saw Steve sitting on the couch, eyebrows crunching and looking straight at the blank TV.

"Hey.." I said as I put the keys into the bowl and got to removed my coat tiredly. Steve didn't respond on my greeting. I put the bag into the couch and I sat beside him and tried to kiss his cheek. He didn't flinched on the kiss and I sensed that something is wrong with him.

"Steve, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm okay knowing that my girlfriend didn't even bother to call or text me telling me that she will go home late and won't be coming for our fourth anniversary dinner!" Steve furiously said as he looked at me. I got shocked and I sat properly on the couch and put my hands on my forehead and sighed tiredly.

"Steve, I'm sorry I forgot about our dinner. It was just, I was so caught up with work and I have another problem with Sarah and Laura and--"

"You didn't even texted me!!" 

"STEVE! I'm damn busy, you know that! Ever since dad died, my problems with the company grew and grew." I just sighed loudly and looked at him.

"Can we just talked about this some other time? I'm so tired to fight with you right now." I said as I get up and slowly walked upstairs into our room. But, Steve stopped me.

"I won't let this topic go away Y/N! I've waited for a whole 4 damn hours and you won't even sympathized every--"

"STEVE!!" I furiously said as I looked at my back. 

"Steve please, I'm physically, emotionally and mentally tired and wreck right now. I can make it up to you tomo--"

"No Y/N! You promised me!! This was our fourth anniversary and I was planning to propose to you and you didn't even come and--"

"Steve, for the last time, I'm sorry. I'm tired and busy with the office. I have a lot of problems and please don't add up.." 

"You are not the only one who have problems here Y/N! I do too!! You know what, I was supposed to have a week mission today but I didn't come for you! Knowing that you'll be sad when I leave on our anniversary but--" I was holding my temples in so much ache and worst happened.

"STEVE!!" I shouted and he stopped blabbering. As he looked at me, I held my hair tiredly and started to cry. 

"I begged you nicely and--" I didn't even continued what I was going to say because I am a crying mess right now because of my emotions.

"Right now, I just want to disappear in this world. I just can't continue my life right now. My life is depressing right now. My parents died, my step-mom and step-sister are putting my life into a living hell right now and now, I am having a problem with you. You're not the only one who has problems Steve, I do too. In fact, i just wished to never wake up if I ever goes to sleep. But, whenever that suicidal thought came into me, all I could think about is us. What will happened if I leave you? In fact I don't know! I don't fucking know Steve!! My life is a living hell right now!! I'm in pain physically, mentally and emotionally!! Of all people I know, you should be understanding of my situation but you keep on pushing my limits!!" I burst all my pain into him as he is standing there with tears slowly falling his eyes. 

"You know what, why don't we just break up, huh? This is not healthy and I am just a bother right now. But right now, all I need is a deep rest from all of this pain I'm feeling." I said as I walked fast into the guest room and I locked the door. I got to the bathroom and went to my medicine cabinet and pulled a pain reliever and an anti-depressant pills. I took 3 tablets each and drank them all together. After a couple of minutes, I felt myself slowly drifting into thin air until I collapsed on the floor and became unconscious.

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