120~Steve Rogers' Request

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1) "Go to hell" "Oh honey, where do you think I came from?"

2) "I'm not jealous! I just don't like it when other people flirt with you." 

Whenever the Avengers finished a mission and it went complete success, there's gonna be always a party at the tower by the one and only Tony Stark. Hi! My name is Max Rose, SHIELD Agent since teen years, blonde long-curly hair, slim thick body, has glasses, 5'7 in height and a shiny blue eyes. Also, Snixx is my spy name. Cool, right?

My background story was, I was doing a mission for SHIELD. I was going to retrieve the intel from HYDRA when they captured me, they make me their prisoner and they did an endless tortured. Until, I escaped from their base. Even though weakness took a toll on me, I never gave up and I went to one of the secret hideout of SHIELD. Until, I got a call from Fury saying to join Avengers. 

After 2 years, here I am, with the Avengers. I get to make some friends--best friend, Steve Rogers. But, I fell in love with Steve. Like who doesn't?! 

I am inside Tony's party when I saw one girl from the party starts flirting with Steve. I sent a death glare at her from across the room and when she saw that, she put her hand on Steve's chest. That made me angered. So, I quickly chugged down my drink and made my way to Steve. 

"Hey Steve, Tony was looking for you, he says that he needs you for a sec." I said to Steve. 

"Okay, excuse me ladies." Steve said being a gentleman he is. As he walks off, me and the girl glared deathly at each other. 

"Stay away from Steve, understood?" I said. 

"Go to hell!" The girl responds. 

"Oh honey, where do you think I came from?" I replied at her. Sometimes, there's a perks being a spy agent. You got trained to become alert from the incoming danger and that perks starts here. She doesn't even know that I'm an agent, so when she goes to slap me, I grabbed her wrist and flip her over the table. And that created a scene. As I was about to punch her face, I heard Tony and Steve came to the scene and I felt Steve pull me off of the girl. The both of them took me out of the party and talked to me while I put my arms crossed on my chest and I rolled my eyes annoyingly.

"What the hell are you doing??" Steve asked in a mixed emotion of confused, annoyed and worried.

"She tried to hit me!" I said defendingly. Steve then sighed deeply.

"Why did you told me that Tony needs me when he didn't?" Steve asked back. That, I mentally didn't prepared myself for that question. So, I stayed silent and heard Tony laughing. I looked at Tony and sent a warning and deathly glare.

"What's so funny?" Steve suddenly asked Tony in annoyance. Tony stopped laughing and starts to calm down.

"Steve, don't you get it, Max is jealous." Tony said.

"I'm not jealous! I just don't like it when other people flirt with you." I said immediately.

"Tony, can you go back to the party and check on the girl." Steve said and Tony walked out leaving me and Steve alone. I rolled my eyes and starts to walk down the hall when I heard Steve stopped me.

"Max, you can't just fight everyone who flirts with me." Steve said. Just then, I looked at him dropping my crossed arms on the sides. I start to slowly walk near him, making him walk backwards until his back hits the wall. I step closer to him so our chest are pressed against each other. I leaned near him and whispered, "I don't like other girls flirting with you cause I wanna be the only one." 

I saw Steve gulps and I leaned closer to him and kissed him. He also leans down and connects our lips. His arms snaked to my waist and I put my arms around his neck and I let my fingers tangled on his hair. I felt him pull me much closer to him until I felt his boner. 

"Jump." Steve said in between the kiss. I followed his order and jumped and he caught me in his arms and he starts to make his way into a more private room. When we reached inside the room, he pressed my back onto the door and I heard the lock clicked. Steve and I continued making out naming each other a territory with our own lips and kisses. I slowly broke the kiss and I looked at his blue orbs. 

"Steve, we don't have to do anything more knowing this might be your first time." I said while breathing hard from the intense make-out. I saw Steve shakes his head in disagreement.

"Nonsense, I want you. I want you to be my first." He said and he slammed his lips into mine and we continued making out. Steve slowly kissed his way to my neck. I moaned at his kisses and felt him putting a mark on my neck. I opened my eyes and saw that we were inside his room. Steve walk us near the bed and he puts me down before we crashed on the bed. Steve eagerly ripped my dress and he lay us down on the bed and continued to kiss each other. I started to unbuttoned his clothes and he threw his clothes on the ground and we continued to make love. Though, it's his first time, he knows how to make a girl weaken her knees and makes me enjoy the pleasures he's giving for the both of us. Once we were done, Steve collapsed beside me while the both of us are catching our own breaths. 

"Shall we go back to the party?" Steve suggested. I sat on his bed while clutching the blanket on my chest.

"Did you forget that my dress is now ripped?" I said and we both chuckled and we looked at the pile of clothes on the ground. 

"Sorry, it's not my fault that I find you irresistible. You wait here, I'll get you your clothes." He said as he began to put on his own clothes. After putting on his clothes, he went out of his room and fetch me some clothes. After awhile, he comes back with my clothes on his hands and he went near me and gave it to me. 

"Here's your clothes." He said.

"Thank you Steve." I said as I kissed his cheek. I got changed into my new dress and as I looked at the mirror, I chuckled and smirked.

"Guess you're also a fashion guy." I said as chuckling. 

"I just think that it looks good on you." He complimented and we both went down to the party. When we went to the team, everyone suspiciously looked at me.

"Why are you wearing a new clothes?" Natasha asked.

"Oh, well, when I got into a fight something split on my dress." I replied trying not to give hints that I just had sex with Steve. They believed my lie but, Tony inspect me from afar and notices a suspicious purple marks on me and Steve's neck.


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