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A love that was bound to happen and a love that was bound to be broken. Y/N had a thing for Steve but she might thought that Steve doesn't see her the way she sees him. She tried to crushed her feelings because she saw Steve hanging out with Sharon. Ever since Peggy came back into the view, they had this bond that Y/N was supposed to imagine with Steve.

Tony manages to spend every time with Y/N so she couldn't try to think Steve too hard. Tony knows everything that's going around Y/N and Steve and Sharon. Tony listed some pros and cons to her but one particular phrase caught and hurt her deeply: "You never admit". Okay?? That hurts. How can she admit it to Steve if he's busy with Sharon and everything going around them and even Peggy. And with that realization, Y/N tried her hardest to crushed her feelings to Steve and she has a reason to make it possible.

When the Civil War started, Tony let the team know that they needed to signed the Accords. On the conference room with the secretary, Tony excused Y/N to talked to her about signing the Accords.

"Y/N, please sign the Accords, we need to let the government rule us so that we won't have a hard time on blaming who's fault is this and that. I won't force you to sign now, but think about it and maybe in three days or what, let me know what you decided." Y/N just nodded her head and Tony hugged her and he kissed her temple. He then, broke up the hug and went back inside the room. Y/N just walked away and tried to clear things up inside her head. When she reached outside, she saw Sharon entering the Avengers compound. Sharon went up immediately to Y/N and she confronted.

"Have you seen Steve?" That words hurt Y/N's heart and ears.

"Still in a meeting. Why?"

"Well, me and him planned some coffee in the city and he said to meet him here."

"Ohh.. The meeting might finished up in 15."

"Thanks." Sharon was about to walk away but she stopped and interrogated her.

"Are you and Steve together?" Sharon immediately blurted out and Y/N just widen her eyes at her question.


"Oh, sorry, maybe not because if you're together, Steve won't asked me for a coffee date."

"Are you??"

"Sort of. He just said that someone caught his eyes and I'm assuming it's me."

"Oh.. Well, congrats. I gotta go.." Y/N suddenly excused herself and she walked out of the compound. She rode her luxurious car and drove around the city. While driving, she can't help but think of what Sharon told her. It's like addiction that she cannot help to get it out of her system. She stopped at the side of the road, almost 30 minutes away from the compound, when her phone started ringing. She had a glanced on her phone and she saw that it's Steve calling her. She decided to decline his call and little did she know that she's crying. Just then, her phone buzzed again and saw it's Tony calling her. She decided to answer the call.

"Hey Y/N where were you?" Tony said. Just then, Steve sharply looked at Tony and he was shocked Y/N answered Tony's call but she didn't answered his call. But he couldn't figure it out why.

"Okay, be safe Y/N." Tony said and he ended the call. Steve came near him and asked him worriedly.

"Where is she? Is she okay?" Steve asked Tony.

"She coming back, but please spare her some time for the meantime, she's still wreck from what happened to her."

"What? She's my best friend and why didn't she told me?" The word 'best friend' hurt him like a brick of rock that fell from the sky onto him.

"Yeah, you're the best friend but that's all you've known. You never really knew her since."

"What do you mean?" Steve asked confusingly.

"Forget what I had said. Just stay out of reach at her for the meantime. Give her some space, she's hurt enough to even see anyone right now, especially you." Just then, Tony left the rest of the team with Steve. The rest of the team knew what Tony meant by that, but for the sake of Y/N's emotional being, they didn't let Steve know what was happening.

Y/N arrived and she saw Tony on the front. She went to him and stood still.

"Tony, if ever I signed that paper, can I stay out of all this? Stay out just a normal person and not to be known as Avenger, have my own life and not to feel this kind of feeling, ever again." She looked at Tony's eyes with full of sincerity and hurt.

"Do I stopped you?"

"No, you can't. I have made my decisions and I'm never changing it."

"Are you sure about it?"

"Yeah, please.." He just nodded his head and he walked inside. Y/N followed him into the conference room and saw the papers on the table along the other team. Y/N kept her best not to see Steve and she kind of a success until she signed the paper. After she signed it, she just tapped Tony's shoulder.

"I gotta gather." Tony just nodded and Y/N left the room and went into her room. She locked the door and gathered all her belongings into her luggage. She started to bring her bags into her car. After she put them into her car, she was about to get inside her side when Steve's voice rang into her ears.

"Hey, where are you going?" Steve said as he stopped in front of her.

"Away from all."

"Why? Why have you become so distant to me?"

"I can't talked about it."

"We promised not to keep secrets to each other, right. We're best friend."

"Yeah, best friend. The only word that--" Just then, she controlled her words before she say something wrong.

"Enough with the talk. I gotta go and tell everyone not to contact me anymore. Here. Keep this, it's my phone and I don't want any remains of my things that reminds the Avengers and my friends." She said as she put it in his hand.

"No, it's yours.."

"Farewell, Steve. You've been a good friend, and I just wished you know the reason, but I can't." Y/N rode her car and drove out of the compound. She just had said her farewell to her old home, her friends, teammates and even her best friend that became her love of her life..

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