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You, Steve and Bucky were best of friends in the 40's. The three of you liked the idea of saving the world from war and danger. Both you and Bucky joined the army which left Steve to be alone. Both gentlemen caught a feeling of love towards you. Before you left for the army, Steve and you had a day together alone.

"Do you really have to go?" Steve asked you.

"I need to Steve, but I'll see you soon." You smiled hurtfully.

"When? It will be too far..."

"I'm gonna miss you Steve.." You said as you hugged his small figure. He hugged you tightly and you broke the hug.

"Can I tell you something?" He shyly asked.

"You can ask me anything, Stevie."

"I--I have this feeling that I think I like you, Y/N." Then, you got shocked when you heard that roll into his mouth.

"You do?" You asked with a little bit of happiness and excitement.

"Yeah, I hope you do too.." He said as he looked down at his hands. You grabbed his hands and squeezed it.

"I've been meaning to hear those words for the longest time, Steve." I hugged him tightly and I felt him smile in my neck.

It came to the time where you and Bucky said farewell to Steve and went to go to the army together. But, before you disappear on Steve's eyes, you both promised to go on your date when you got home from the Army. Of course you promised and he promised to try not to do stupid things while you and Bucky are away.

It's been 2 months since you and Steve part ways. The both of you continued to send mails to let each other know you're still both alive and happy. Steve didn't mentioned to you that he enlist in the army and he was chosen to be the volunteer to do the super soldier serum. You have heard about it and you never knew it was Steve, until you went to the lab and saw everyone getting ready. Then, Dr. Erskine came to you and talked for awhile until Agent Carter went to the both of you and cut your conversation.

"He's here doctor." Agent Carter said. She pointed at your back and when you turned around and saw who it was, it was your love, Steve. He saw you and you both looked shocked but happy. The both of you walked towards each other and hugged each other like life depended on your tight hug. You let go of the hug and you're still confused onto why he's here.

"Why are you here Stevie?" You asked him.

"I enlist on the army and Dr. Erskine saw me and he told me to give this one a shot. I just wanted to protect the world from danger like you and Bucky." When you heard on Bucky's name you became sad and he crunched his eyebrows at you.

"What wrong sweetheart? Is everything okay? Is Bucky okay?"

"He hasn't return yet from the battlefield. Colonel Philips said that he maybe died on the battlefield and never returned. Even the 107th infantry to where his unit, never came back. I'm sorry I didn't told you about it because I just don't want you to get worried and everything. I know you have the right to---"

"Hey sweetheart.." Steve went near you and held your hands in his.

"I know you're just worried and all, but I promise to bring him back if the serum works." You nodded your head and hugged him. Then, someone coughed and you broke the hug and saw it's the doctor and Stark.

"It's time Steve." Erskine said and nodded to Steve. Steve then went to the chamber and he was injected. Then, Stark and the doctor begins to do their job. Whenever Steve screamed in pain, you just held the towel in your hand tightly. You can't bear to hear the love of your life scream in pain. When the procedure was done, you went near the chamber. Steve went down from the chamber and you were shocked with the result. He's taller, muscular and way more handsome!

"Hey, you okay?" You asked him as he held your arms. You wrapped the towel on his body and Stark gave him a shirt and he slowly put it on. He looked at himself and to you.

"Guess I won't get jealous to any guy out there." He whispered softly as you and him laughed.

"I love you Stevie.." You said and he wrapped his arms around you. You put your arms around his neck and smiled. Just then, we heard a gun shot. Steve put you behind him and you both saw that Erskine got the shot. Steve went to him and you got to search for the shooter and saw him tried to escaped.

"Peggy, come with me." You said as you got your guns and ran towards the shooter. Until, you reached the outside. You saw the shooter rode on the car and went towards you. You got the gun pointed to the shooter when you felt someone tossed you on the other side and you saw Steve.

"I don't want to lose you too. Stay here, I'll be back." He helped you stand and he ran towards the killer.

After a while, Steve returned and he was given some check-up. After he was done being examined, you went to him and sat beside him. He held your hand in his and he grabbed it and kiss it.

"I love you so much sweetheart.." He sincerely said.

"I love you too sweetie." I said and I put my head into his shoulder.

"Y/N, can you be my girlfriend? You've been there before the serum and you're here beside me and I can't let you go that easily." He said as he looked at you. You looked straight into his eyes and nodded your head and smiled.

"It would be my pleasure to be your girlfriend, Stevie." He suddenly grabbed your face and he kissed your lips passionately. He broke the kiss and let your foreheads touched each other.

"I love you so much, sweetheart."

"I love you more my love." You peck his lips again and just chuckled at the simple gesture.

"Son, do you want to serve your country on the most important battlefield of the war?" Philips came in and asked Steve. Steve looked at you and you nodded your head at him as you both held your hands together.

"Sir, that's all I want."

"Then, congratulations. You just got promoted." Philips went out and I looked at Steve and smiled big.

"Congratulations Captain." I told him.

"You're my lucky charm, agent." He told me and we kissed.

After a couple of months, Steve went touring until, Steve asked about the 107th infantry where Bucky was. The colonel mentioned that he maybe dead. But, Steve didn't believed it, neither you are. The both of you have faith in Buck. Until you, Steve, Peggy and Howard used Stark's plane to fly you to Austria and find Bucky. Steve was about to jump when you got his arm and gave him a passionate kiss. After a couple of seconds, you hugged Steve dearly.

"I'll see you soon sweetheart.." He said and tears fell down on your eyes. He wiped the tears and he kissed your forehead and squeezed your hand.

"Come back alive to me, okay?"

"I will, I promise." You nodded your head and you let go of your hands. Then, Steve jumped and Stark let you go back to the compound.

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