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It's almost a year since Y/N was comatose from the pain she received when she had a mission with Barton and Natasha. The HYDRA did a critical hit on Y/N. She was hurt when they fought, shot, and was thrown outside with the height of 25 feet tall all the way to the snowy ground. Clint found Y/N full of blood flowing out of her head, her pulse was hard to detect. Though the mission was a success, it also went downhill when Y/N undergo a lot of procedures of operations.

It was still fresh in my memory, it felt like it happened yesterday. Sometimes, I felt like giving up because there's still no response from her.

Today marks our 5th anniversary, it's hard for me. I am still in her room, just looking at her beautiful and godly face. I missed looking at her soulful eyes. I held her hand in mine and kissed it.

"Hey baby girl.. I missed you so much, come back to me, my darling. I'm not me without you. It's hard to wake up everyday knowing that you're still in coma.. Happy fifth anniversary love. I'm still blessed to know that you're still fighting. I wished you so well and I want you to wake up. You've been sleeping for almost a year, I can't bear to see you another day without seeing your beautiful smile and you're glistening eyes. I love you so much sweetheart. Please be awake.." I stood up and peck her lips and kissed her forehead so long when I felt tears fell out of my eyes. Just then, I heard her heart monitor went flat. I panicked and went outside to call a doctor.

"HELP!! SOMEBODY HELP US!!" Just then, doctors and nurses came inside and I just waited outside. Beside the door, there's a bench and I sat on it and clasped my hands together and put it on my forehead.

"Dear God, please help her.." I prayed.

"Capsicle! What happened?!" Tony asked while running in front of me with the rest of the team on his side.

"She flat lined.." I said in a depressed voice.

"Captain?" A voice of a doctor caught my attention. I immediately stood up and looked at the doctor with a concern look on my face.

"She's ready to see you." A smile crept on my face and I hurriedly went inside her room. I saw her laying on the bed, wide eyes open, looking at the nurses and doctors. The staff saw me and they left us some privacy. I slowly went to her side and she looked at me and saw her smile. God! I missed that..

"Steve, hi.." She said. Just then, I smiled at her while tears rolled down my eyes. I chuckled at her and went to sit on the bed and I grabbed her face and wasted no time. I deeply kissed her and she kissed me back. Her hands went into my neck and she pulled me closer. Then, she slowly broke the kiss and she wiped my tears.

"Oh my God! I missed you so much baby.." I told her.

"I've been gone in a little while.."

"Little while?? It's been almost a year! You've been comatose for almost a year and I thought I'm losing you.. It's been a year without you, my queen, my world, my everything and my life."

"A year? What happened by the way?? The last thing I remembered was fighting with HYDRA."

"You were but then, the HYDRA shot you and endless fights and they threw you out at the height of 25 feet on the ground.. I wished I was there to protect you and help---"

"Baby boy, it's not your fault. It was part of being a hero.. That is our job, protect humanity even if it kills you." She pecks my lips and I lay my head on her shoulder.

"How are you?" I asked her while going down to sit on the chair.

"In pain. It feels like my whole body, inside and out are like hell. What happened to me except being in coma?"

"Broken ribs, arms which is now better, legs and ankle on the left part."

"I'm glad I'm still alive after being thrown 25 feet high and had plenty broken bones."

"I'm very greatful that you're awake.. You already gave me a best gift!" I told her.

"Gift? What do you mean?"

"Happy 5th Anniversary, love.." I held her hand and smiled so bright at her.

"It's today?! God, that was fast.. Happy Anniversary my love.." She said. I went near her and she grabbed my face and we both leaned in for a sweet kiss. I felt so relieved, yet complete...

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