Clark Kent x Reader

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Guess what? I decided to do another book. As always, thank you guys for supporting me! Just sit back, relax, and enjoy this third book of my own personal DC Comics Imagines. Also, do you guys still want crossovers with universes like Marvel, etc. or no?

Up next: Bruce Wayne x Reader

Later: Damian Wayne x Reader

   Y/N'S POV

  My world was literally falling apart; my career was falling apart. I am a famous musician and singer. Well, I was a famous musician and singer. I said "was" intentionally, because my time may be running out. Apparently, critical yet personal moments of my past had somehow gotten leaked, and now the whole world knew.
  Everyone knew about the several guys I had slept with, the different drugs I abused, even the baby I had lost not too many years ago at 17 years old. All of the stuff I had been trying so hard to forget, they were all coming back to me, being thrown in my face like all of those lies the press came up with every single day about me.

  Except, these weren't lies. They were my mistakes.

  Mistakes I knew the world would become quick to label me about (not that they didn't label me already).

  When my manager called, I already knew how the conversation was going to go. She would tell me that I needed to lay low, try to convince people that those moments of my past were no longer me.
  However, she and I both knew that they would always be a part of me, yet I had to do my best not to let all of these things drag me down the wrong path.

  After all of this, I wasn't worried about the press really or even the interviews. I was worried about Clark's response to all of this.
  Anyone that knew Clark knew he was Superman (if they knew that), but also that Clark was a genuine sweetheart. If my reputation was falling apart again, I didn't want Clark to be dragged through the mud as well.


  I immediately lifted my head and turned to face Clark. Clark stood there with keys in his hands. Had he been here the whole time? He couldn't have been here. He had work at the Daily Planet today, but what was with the keys? Was he leaving?

  I became focused on the keys in Clark's hands, yet he walked up to me. He waved his hand in front of my face and I double blinked, suddenly feeling really sick to my stomach.

  Clark said,"Hey, sweetheart, I heard about what happened. I got off work as soon as I could, and I'm here to be with you."

  Like I said earlier, Clark was a genuine sweetheart, but I really didn't want his life to be ruined as well. He was Superman, and he had enough to deal with every single day.

  My hands began to shake and I took a deep breath saying,"Clark, I think we should stop this between you and me. Look, you have been the greatest boyfriend to me and I will always love you for it, but I can't risk what's going to happen influence what choices you have to make. Since I know you won't make this decision, I am making it for the both of us. I need you to stay away from me and let me deal with this alone."

  Clark gave me a look that read,"Are you serious right now?" and another one that I couldn't read.

  He then said to me,"Y/N, I refuse to let you break up with me, so I reject your request for me to stay away from you and let you deal with this issue alone. Y/N, I know your past was-"

  I sighed and replied,"Clark, you don't know. I say that with all due respect. Me and you we've been through different examples of pain. It's not the same Clark, you know that."

  Clark reached for me and I took a couple steps back saying,"Clark, don't. I seriously need you to go before the paparazzi gets here and drags you under with me. Clark, I'm giving you a chance to just do something else with your life. Instead of leaving, you're entertaining me and still standing here."

  Clark reached for me again and pulled me close saying,"I'm still standing here, because I love you, Y/N. You're right, okay? We have been through different things, but that doesn't mean I won't continue to be here for you, to help you get better. Y/N, you've come a long way from all those things that you've done in the past. I don't want you to be that girl/woman again, so I'm refusing to let you go."

  I looked into Clark's eyes saying,"If you stay, I won't be able to guarantee that you won't get hurt, Kent. This is your last chance to go."

  Clark placed a kiss on my hand and said,"No, I'm not leaving you to face this alone. Y/N, like you said, we have both been hurt before. I can handle it. We'll be okay, and you're more than your past mistakes. I know you know that, so don't let the world make you believe you are destined to be that same girl you were years ago. Y/N, your career is far from over. We'll get through this."


  Hi guys, I hope you enjoyed this imagine and let me know what you think! Also, I hoped this imagine inspired you guys! Everything I write isn't just for me to fill up space, but it is for you guys to either learn from it or just enjoy it! So for any of you guys that have dealt with anything the reader did in this imagine, I want you guys to know that I won't treat you any differently and if you guys have made mistakes very similar to the ones listed, then it's never impossible to try to be better or turn to someone to talk to. We all make mistakes, so I just wanted you guys to know that I'm aware of that fact.




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